Made His Teeth Sweat! in QUOTIDIEN

  • July 25, 2014, 5:50 a.m.
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Feeling solid on my two feet, back to a more pragmatic MJ, I was positively serene ALL day. The order of the day, in my mind, was balance. I ignored the '16:00-he's-on-campus' moment. I was proud of me.

He called my station to ask if I had an all-clear in my building. He pulled the velvet voice out, and I was painfully professional. 'All clear, Ofc. B. I will need a lock up. I can go ahead and call SOC, if you're busy.'

'MJ? I'll be there.'

I waited until 18:55, figuring he wasn't going to make lock up. Just as I was about to call SOC, the phone rings. 'On my way.'

I waited. I can't leave until things are locked down.

When he arrived, I was standing by the window.

'Did you have a good day off, MJ?'

And damn it all to hell, a traitorous smile flung itself onto my face.

I told him Wednesday was Goddess MJ Day. He asked what that meant, and I told him, Mani/glorious pedi - and a splurge n a pair of goddess shoes.

'Oh? Sounds intriguing. Got pictures?'

I don't know many women who don't have at least SOME shoe porn on their phone. I showed him.

Okay - so NOW his teeth are sweating. I was encouraged.

'You'll need a body guard if you wear those.'

'You might be right. I'll get right on that.' I had resumed my calm, balanced self....on the outside. He, on the other hand, was less so. Things felt as they should!

He walked me to the door and I was about to leave when he asked if I was 'okay'. I debated brushing it off, but decided to calmly respond.

'Mr. B., I am new at this. The shoes? Those are a gift to myself for putting my feet back on the ground. I really do enjoy your company, and I hope we do get to spend more time together. But I have to tell you, I am rusty and I can't read you. You manage to say all the right things, and you can flirt like nobody's business. As a result, I haven't been myself lately, and I apologize. I let myself get carried away. You should know, I don't often make a fool of myself, and I like that about myself. Yes, Mr. B., I okay.

'Oh. Listen,MJ-until tomorrow, I am still one of the supervisors on the team. There are cameras everywhere. Tomorrow - tomorrow, I can walk you to your car. And I haven't seen you act foolish at all. Don't doubt, you have my full attention and have since shortly after we met. Friday is my last day. Things are going to change for us. So, You got plans for the weekend?'

'Daughter goes on vacation for 10 days. I'm helping her pack!'

'That's this weekend? Oh, man. I thought that was next weekend. I'm so sorry. I made plans to go ride with my friends.'

'Michael - I am not your wife or your girlfriend. You do whatever you planned to do. Have fun. You are a supervisor. You know how to get hold of me if you're interested in doing something.'

Something changed - in me, and in his countenance, which was priceless. A little confusion, and a good measure of...not fear...surprise.

And I left, with a happy 'good-bye'. I added a spring to my step for good measure. He needs to know I'm quite self-sufficient and don't normally lean towards simpering.

Ladies, the shoe is now on the other foot...and he saw the picture. The whole picture.

goddess shoes

NorthernSeeker July 25, 2014

Whoo...nice shoes! To me they say "let's go dancing".

Noodlebugs! July 25, 2014

I can say that I have never taken a picture of any shoes. I am not a shoe person either. You should do a facebook poll of your friends, i'd be interested in just how many have shoe porn pictures!

Deleted user November 16, 2014

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