#15 in 2023

  • April 23, 2023, 11 a.m.
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A work friend texted to say he has split from his girlfriend. Again. They’re one of those couples that “split up” at least once a month but get back together two days later and act like nothing odd happened. In all honesty, that’s an emotional roller coaster I can do without. He has confided in us (we’re all workmates), that he doesn’t love his GF. They’ve been together for ten years. He met her when he was 19. He’s now 29 and feels lost; the reason being that her job has meant they’ve moved around a lot and in order to support her he would leave his job and move with her to different towns. So he was made little career progress as a result.
Plus, (wrongly in my opinion), he has secretly taken an ex-girlfriend out on a dinner date recently hoping to sleep with her. His girlfriend knows nothing about this. I know that he feels like a different person now compared to the person he was at 19 when they met. The difference between a person of 19 and 29 is enormous! He cries at work sometimes because of the stress of his home life. I tell him to take some time for himself, get some air and gather himself together. People’s personal lives trickle into their work lives and that’s just how it is sometimes. I don’t give him relationship advice. But I’m curious what advice you would give him?
In other news, everything on today’s to-do list got done.

Last updated April 23, 2023

Sleepy-Eyed John April 23, 2023


Dayle Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ April 24, 2023


Sleepy-Eyed John Dayle ⋅ April 24, 2023

The relationship!

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