FINALLY! in (W)hole

  • April 6, 2023, 6:30 a.m.
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I am finally able to work from home for my new job. This happened kind of earlier than it should have, because the training staff is on leave for a month to have her knee replaced. Lucky for me! Because everyone else on my team works from home, therefore there is nobody from my team available to train me in person at the office. So after 2 months of training, they set me free on my own. I’m only feeling SLIGHTLY overwhelmed because I can only do a few things entirely by myself, and there are a lot of little extra things we CAN do but I’ve never been TAUGHT to do, and of course my clients are now requesting these things. (Ex: we can do environmental modifications to people’s homes to make it easier for them to get around inside the home with a wheelchair or walker. However, I have no idea how to actually authorize this and make it happen.)

So for now I have like 35 clients, and I’m only having to schedule 2 of my upcoming assessments (this is 90% of my job- I go out to old folks’/disabled folks’ homes and do assessments of their abilities to determine how many hours of in home caregiving they need, and then I authorize that care thru Medicaid) with a supervisor, so I have one set up for a Bosnian client with an interpreter since I’ve never done one of those by myself before, and one that’s a ways out of town with an older gentleman who owns lots of guns and lives alone, simply because I wasn’t super keen on going out to his place a half hour out of town all by myself until I’ve gotten to know him a bit better lol Jussst in case. I’m sure he’s lovely, but just to be 100% sure, I’m bringing a supervisor with me for that one since I have to bring her to 2 of them anyways. Everybody else I was told I can go ahead and do their assessments by myself. I have 7 due for April, and 4 of them are scheduled so far.

Now that I’m working from home, it’s much more manageable and enjoyable. Having to rush around to be there on time and dress up for nobody was stressing me out. Once I hit my 6 mo eval in June, I was already told I’ll be getting a raise, and then I can change my hours of availability, as well. I am debating between 7:30-4 or 8-4:30. We are required to take 30 mins worth of breaks and an hour lunch every day, but if she would let me take a half hour lunch I’d LOVE to work 8-4. We’ll see how it plays out. I’m still not thrilled with the number of phone calls I have to make/accept in a day, but I’m getting through it lol

Aside from work things, we took a trip to Missoula this past weekend to drop Milo off at his dad’s for spring break, and we decided to make a weekend of it for the other 3 kiddos since they dont get to go anywhere special for spring break. They made us regret it the ENTIRE TIME, however. Parker asked every 10 mins for the entire 3 hour drive “how much longer?” or “are we almost there?” and refused to watch a movie even though we packed a dozen DVDs and he and Addisyn each had their own DVD players to use. Never do we set them in front of a TV and encourage them to watch 3 hours of television, but the ONE TIME we WANT him to do it, he outright refused. Of course. Everyone else was great for the drives, and he did much better on the way home (after being in trouble all weekend and getting his butt paddled a couple times, imagine that). When we got into Missoula, we took everyone to a restaurant that Milo’s dad used to work at, and therefore Milo has “worked” there (helped out) making croutons and wrapping figs and brussels sprouts in bacon, that kind of thing. So we took them all to show them where Milo worked lol and they all chose what they wanted to order, then Parker had a fit about it and said he didnt want what he ordered. TOO BAD, you chose it and you ordered it and I’m paying for it, so you’re gunna need to eat it. So he was whining and pouting and throwing a fit all through lunch. Awesome!

We also went to the Missoula Public Library, which was AMAZING! It’s one of the top rated public library in the nation, and there was an entire floor for children that included water tables, pulley systems to crank balls and things around the room and up the walls and stuff, all kinds of climbing apparatuses, play houses to include a grocery store with carts and foods, a restaurant with placemats and menus, little houses, a toddler play area, and a STEM area with legos and different building supplies, as well as an entire science room which I was SUPER disappointed was closed while we were there because they had a GIANT LIGHT BRIGHT and I really wanted to play with it hahaha As soon as we got there, Addisyn and Parker started fighting over the toy grocery carts and the food items, which was slightly ridiculous because the carts are the correct size for 3-5 year olds and our 2 are 7 and 8. SOOO, stop it. But they wouldn’t, and we had to make them go to a different area of the library where Addisyn continued to storm around and pout and have an attitude. She got over it quicker than I thought she would, tho.

After that we went to a cool novelty shop/gift shop called Rockin Rudy’s. It was MASSIVE and had SOOO much awesome stuff in it. I told the kids they could pick 1 thing and that it had to be less than $15. Well they immediately started trying to find multiple items for as cheap as possible so they could rack up $15 worth of stuff and get a million tiny items. I told them that was not what we were doing and that they all needed to choose ONE item for NO MORE than $15. With 4 kids, that adds up to $60 and I feel like that’s perfectly reasonable. But Parker and Addisyn were super bent out of shape about it, all upset they couldn’t have a $10 item and a $5 item or get more expensive things, etc. Lucky they’re getting ANYTHING AT ALL, but gunna throw fits and pout about what they are allowed to have. eye roll

We dropped Milo off with his dad after that, around 5pm, and then went to our AirBnB to settle in for a while. We played some board games, Parker continued to be an absolute SPAZ and would NOT calm down AT ALL, getting in everyone’s faces and being bratty using sing songy voices to tease everyone about the games we were playing, being a total savage jerk at Uno and rubbing it in HARD every time he skipped someone or made them draw extra cards. I didn’t play anymore games with them after Uno because he was so god awful. We decided to pick up some groceries and order chinese/thai food for dinner, so we ran out to Safeway and Parker was STILL being horrible, talking back to every single thing he was told, touching and grabbing everything in the entire store, hiding under shelves and displays, and then pouting and hiding when he would get talked to about any of it. He was also being incredibly difficult about agreeing on anything, like a kind of cereal to have in the morning. I was ready to leave him on the side of the road before we even made it to Missoula, and at this point I wanted to pretend I’d never met the kid.

We picked up our food and went back to the house, where Parker then said he didnt like the food and didnt want to eat it, he threw noodles and food all over the kitchen and made a huge mess, pissed off the girls because he was getting noodles on them and making a mess and they knew they were all gunna be in trouble. It was freaking ridiculous.

The AirBnB was a 2 bedroom house with an extra bed that could be put in the living room. Well, the only TV in the house was also in the living room, so we didn’t want any of the kids sleeping in the living room unless absolutely necessary. So for Friday night, we had set Parker up on the floor in a pop up tent with pillows and blankets, and Ariel and Addisyn on the queen size bed together. They were told when they woke up, to come out of the bedroom, use the bathroom, and go eat breakfast. We had set up bowls and spoons and opened the cereal and left everything out for them to just assemble when they woke up. We also poured milk into two mugs and covered them with tin foil so Parker and Addisyn could pour that into their cereal and not struggle with the whole heavy full gallon of milk. Then they were supposed to get their kindles out and QUIETLY play on their kindles until a grown up was awake. We told them NOT to wake anyone else up AT ALL NO MATTER WHAT. So instead, they made a huge freaking mess, tin foil and milk and cereal ALL over the kitchen, all the rugs from the kitchen and the living room were in different places they didn’t belong, there were clean AND dirty clothes strewn all over the house, tossed all around the bedroom, all the sheets and pillow cases and bedding taken off the queen bed and thrown everywhere, they were all shrieking and laughing and hitting each other with pillows when they woke me up and I came out and made everyone clean everything up.

All of Saturday continued to go about the same way. Parker whined and complained about everything, Parker and Addisyn fought about everything, we took them to do a pottery painting project at a community art center and the lady at the desk told them there was a play area before we ever started. So then Parker didn’t want to do painting anymore and only wanted to go to the play area. Well, the pottery was already paid for and that’s what we CAME HERE FOR, so we tried to talk him into painting first and then going to the play area. So he did a horrible job, threw some paint on his football statue that was super ugly- black, olive green, and red at total random, in no kind of pattern or any sort of sensible way, which wouldn’t bother me if that was his genuine ability level, but he’s 7 1/2 and is capable of painting a small item to actually look like the thing it’s supposed to be, even if he got creative and used different colors or patterns or whatever, he can definitely do better than just barely putting any paint on it, leaving all sorts of empty white space, and just rushing as fast as possible to go do something else.

So then he ran off to the play area and once Addisyn was done painting, she went to join him as well. She then decided to take ALL the building blocks and wouldn’t share any of them, so in like 2 mins they were shrieking at the top of their lungs at each other. We had to go get Addisyn and have her come sit at the painting table because she wouldn’t share. We let her go back when Ariel was done painting and they all immediately went back to screaming and fighting with each other. SUPER FUN! So we decided to go to the carousel and the playground, but the playground was super wet so we told them lets ride the carousel instead. Parker had a major fit and pouted and kept arguing and talking back because he wanted to go on the playground. He was also not happy they only got to ride the carousel twice, and that I told Ariel she could ride the dragon first because she had been saying the entire time we were in line that she wanted the dragon, well Parker piped in at the last moment and said NO I’m going to ride the dragon. And I told him no, you arent, because Ariel already said she is, and there will be 2 rides so you can ride it the next time. Cue more pouting and scowling and arguing and back talk.

The sun was out the whole time we were in the carousel building, so we let them go to the playground afterwards as long as they stayed off the slides (puddles) and they were thrilled about that. Decided to go get ice cream afterwards, everyone wanted to complain about how they couldnt have as many toppings as they wanted and we wouldnt let them have coffee flavors or cardamom (I’m deathly allergic) and it was windy out so it was too cold and blah blah blah blah blah I was ready to just drive home at that point. We decided to go back to the AirBnB and make lunch, then hit up a second hand bookstore Milo’s dad had told us about. It turned out to be EPIC AND AMAZING and I had SOO much fun picking out books for bedtime stories and letting the kids pick whatever they wanted. They all got several chapter books, some picture books, and some Lego books with little Lego characters, Parker found a giant Spongebob search and find book he was thrilled about, etc. It was all great until we got in the check out line. We told them they could each pick a bookmark. Well Parker saw a book light that he wanted, but it was like $13. I told him I could order him one on Amazon for half that price and that we weren’t going to buy it here, but he could choose a bookmark. He had the biggest freaking fit and demanded to go put all his books back because he didnt want ANY OF THEM if he couldn’t have the book light. I told him I had already paid for the books (they were still getting rung up but whatever) and that he should be more thankful for what he has. He took his books and threw them down an aisle in the store and stormed off behind some bookshelves to sulk and cross him arms over his chest and throw a tantrum. Chanel took him out in the parking lot and swatted his butt and gave him a talking to, and he just kept scowling and pouting and didn’t respond AT ALL.

When we got back to the AirBnB, we made everyone lay down with their new books and read/chill for a while. We ended up pulling out the extra mattress to the living room for Parker, since the girls both said he was the one who woke up early and woke everyone else up and then started a pillow fight and I 100% believe them. So we set up his Kindle and books next to the mattress on the floor and after dinner he wouldn’t settle down and was running through the house shrieking. He ended up getting another spanking and was put to bed early. We had the girls go in their bedroom and play on their kindles, and we sat on the couch so we could watch him and make sure he didn’t get up or mess around. He fell asleep in less than 5 mins and we were able to turn the TV on quietly and hang out. After we got the girls to bed, we ordered pizza from a place with good recommendations and it was amazing. Delivery guy didn’t even wake up Parker and he was being loud as all get out.

Sunday they managed to behave in the morning because we gave the girls poptarts in their room and told them not to come out except to use the bathroom, and told Parker if he went in there at all we would not let him have any of the souvenirs or candy we had bought on the way home. He managed to behave for an hour and a half until we got up, miraculously. We packed up and cleaned up the house and left at like 10:30 am because we were not willing to take the kids anywhere else at that point. We did stop at the gift shop in St Regis and got Kasin a souvenir and Cookie some fancy homemade dog treats, and we got some homemade fudge. EVERYONE watched movies for the drive home and it was fairly peaceful, except for the snow storm. But whatever. lol

Somehow, we all survived. hahaha and now we’re back to real life. I’m still working with ONE student from my previous job and doing distance coaching with him, it’s been a nice source of extra income but I’m sort of hoping he decides he doesn’t need me anymore after this semester. Fingers crossed! It just sucks up my free time on weekends and in the evenings. Parker just started Little League again and is on a coach pitch team called the Cubs. So far he’s been a bit of a turkey for the coaches, throwing balls at them when their backs are turned and such. I swear to you he gets in trouble for ALL of these things, so idk why he continues doing them, but he sure does. I think part of the issue is that baseball is at 5pm and his ADHD meds all wear off around 3-4 and so he’s a wild animal by 5pm and cant focus or listen to directions to save his life.

Speaking of meds, Addisyn started Abilify after a MASSIVE blowout at daycare where she threatened to murder another child (a 6 year old in Parker’s class, actually) at school, and went into details about how and when she was going to do it. The daycare called CPS and made a whole report about it. They didn’t even come out to our house, though, just called us to ensure she has a safety plan in place, which she does. Her WISe intensive wraparound therapy services team discharged her back in February because of her autism diagnosis (they don’t work with autistic clients) and just left her with zero therapies or any transitional services. After the blowout at daycare, she saw her primary Dr and the Dr suggested Abilify, which tends to help with irritability and impulsiveness for autistic children. It has been A MIRACLE and she has been doing SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. Even her teacher has been writing home and telling us how helpful she’s been to other students without being asked (NEVER would have guessed she would do that) and how she’s been SO happy lately and this is the happiest she’s ever seen her. She still has a lot of room to increase the dosage for her weight, and the only thing we are slightly worried about is that the meds tend to cause high cholesterol, and her bloodwork already showed her cholesterol has increased a bit since she’s been taking it. I guess the ideal # is 16 or less and she was a 17. So we’ll need to be more intentional about her food intake in that regard.

We’re having Easter with Chanel’s mom and stepdad on Saturday and I’m dreading it. I’m sure Louie is going to ask the kids if they want to come to church for Easter on Sunday and they’ll all say YEAH YEAH! even though we have our own plans at home on Sunday. He’ll make us pray, which I hate, but it’s not worth the fight. He’ll probably ask the kids if they’ve been reading their bibles like he told them to, and if they’ve been praying at night at their windows like he told them to, and if they’re memorizing scriptures like he told them to. They irritate me endlessly. The last time the kids went to their house was because I had to take Chanel to the ER for a possible kidney stone, and they lectured the kids the whole time about how they need to be reading the bible every night and praying and blah blah, and even sent them home with freaking bibles. We ended up having a family meeting and teaching them about the 10 Commandments and what the bible teaches and wants you to do and how you’re agreeing to behave if you choose to follow those teachings, etc. Addisyn had a genuine mental breakdown and sobbed hysterically because she’s terrified of the wrath of god. She was sobbing saying “what if it’s TRUE?! what if he IS real?! I’m going to HELLLLL!” just hysterical. Awesome, thanks Louie. He caused her a similar breakdown a year or so ago because he told her that Chanel and I are going to hell for being gay. So she came home crying saying she doesn’t want to us to go to hell. I sent her to bed with our copy of Kids First Book of World Religions and told her how her therapist is Buddhist and the therapist’s wife is a Buddhist minister. (I didn’t know you could be a lesbian and be Buddhist, let alone be a minister, but hey!) She was really excited to learn about Buddhism after that and seemed to calm down.

So, yanno. Pray for me hahahaaaaa that Easter goes okay and I don’t have to storm out of my in-law’s house.

Also, if you plan to leave me any notes about how we shouldn’t spank our kids, spare me :)

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