Mich Anthropy in Diary

  • July 24, 2014, 9:27 a.m.
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The Fall- Injuries

The scab on my chin has gone! All that remains is a bit of dry skin that doesn't scream "Look at meeee!" anywhere near as much as a massive horrible scab and red swelling. Also, I've managed to fix one of the bracelets that Roxy broke when she tripped me. This pleases me because it was a lovely one that Jay bought for me because he knows how much purple is The Best Colour.

So that's it, everything from The Fall, injuries and damages is now done, dusted and fixed :o)

Roller Derby

Roller derby last night didn’t involve much roller derbying. We had a guest speaker in ‘Fu Man Chew’ who refs all the big games including the world cup (I didn’t even know there was a world cup!) and he went through some of the hand signals and different types of penalties with us. We then had to get on track and try out what we’d learnt. We were only skating for about 20 minutes, it was hardly worth getting sweaty for. I learnt a lot but, oh my god, the more you learn, the more questions pop up. The rules are so ambiguous and everyone was asking a million questions. What happens if only one foot is off track? What happens if you lost points due to an illegal block? What happens if you gain an advantage by accident? Thankfully, even the people who’ve been doing it for years were also asking questions. It seems you never fully learn all the rules as a player, it must be even harder being a ref.

I've been thinking about names. I know it's going to be ages (at least a year or two) before I'm actually playing in games, but I've been wasting time using my time wisely at work thinking of names I could have. As my name is Michelle, I could maybe use that as a play on words. So I've come up with the following for ideas.
MICH AISLE (This sounds like missile when read out in an English accent. Probably won't make sense to Americans who say missile like missle.)

My mam came up with Bomb Shell, but I'm pretty sure that's already taken.

There are two games on Sunday that I'm NSOing at; I'll be penalty timer for the first game and score tracker for the second game.

I'm going to be missing at least three Sunday sessions in August due to being away for them. Mam and dad are coming for 8th-10th August so I hope they don't mind if I go for that Sunday's session, so I'm not missing out too much!


As my Sunday is full of roller derby, my Saturday is full of Chillifields. Only two days until the big performance! I'll see if I can video our set and upload it.

I've had lots of ideas from people for my tuna fishcakes for the burger competition, so I think I'll include chilli flakes, melted cheese in the middle and a sesame seed coating.

New Business

I almost had a new customer today. A lady wanted me to look after her cat when she went on holiday, but she rang and cancelled the consultation as her neighbour is going to do it this time. But she said she'll need me in the future so I'll keep hold of her number :o)

25 working days remaining

Hypnotica July 24, 2014

Theres a register of roller derby names. Two Evils is the original one but theres another one now as well which is updated quicker, http://www.derbyrollcall.com/

Bomb Shell Hypnotica ⋅ July 24, 2014

Ah thanks! I was looking at RDNation but I figured it wasn't very up to date when I saw that no one from my team is registered on there. There are only a few from the UK at all. I'll take a look :o)

Deleted user July 24, 2014

Shell shocked!

~Twinkle~ July 24, 2014

Shell shocked is good! X

Babe In Toyland July 24, 2014

~Ahem~ WHO thought of Bomb Shell?

Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ July 24, 2014

Sorry I thought it was mam, it must have been something else she came up with. What was it?

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ July 25, 2014

I can't remember, sorry!

Waterfire July 24, 2014

I like Shell Shocked too! I'm still on Two Evils as My Little Pwny, I never took myself off when I quit, lol

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