A Child Is Born in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • July 28, 2014, 8:38 p.m.
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A very long day for me with doctor appointments and business to tend but I cannot let the night end without sharing my excitement.

Tonight my niece had her first child, a girl whom she named Vaida Marie. Mom and baby are both doing well, thank you sweet Jesus. I can't wait to meet and hold her.

Here is the photo my sister sent me just a few minutes ago.

July 29, 2014 Vaida Marie photo Vaida.jpeg

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crystal butterfly July 28, 2014

Sweet little one

cardslinger July 29, 2014


Tuff e Nuffy July 31, 2014

Congrats Auntie!

Spirit Song August 02, 2014

Congratulations! What a sweet baby. A new baby is God's way of saying that the world should go on.

Tuff e Nuffy August 05, 2014

Looks like her Auntie....

LivingWaterCreek Tuff e Nuffy ⋅ August 06, 2014


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