I'm like a database ARTIST in Site Updates

  • Oct. 16, 2013, 7:46 a.m.
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Holy crap, that was an adventure!

First of all, I had to create a temporal warp. You may have seen this on Star Trek. I had to knock the entire crew unconscious, except for Data, of course. Because of that damn positronic brain. Then convince him to agree that the whole thing never happened while I make it look like nothing bad ever happened, and pieced everything back together, mending the tear in the fabric of space-time.

Long story short, if you lost a book, entries, or comments created earlier today.... they should be back.

(Like OD my ass. :P)

Teflon Superhero October 16, 2013

ehehheehehehe YOUR ASS YOU SAY?!?!! :P

Teflon Superhero October 16, 2013

and coming back nearly 15 minutes later, I'll put on my pompous voice and say "AR-TEEST!"

Camdengirl October 16, 2013

I do love people who take pride in their work... Excellent!

Jeanine October 16, 2013

It's back! Thanks for all that science.

Leanne 🌈 October 16, 2013

What no Mister Spock ...... I find that insulting. :)

simple mind Leanne 🌈 ⋅ October 16, 2013

Only question I ever thought was hard
Was do I like Kirk, or do I like Picard? Weird Al</small<>

Leanne 🌈 simple mind ⋅ October 16, 2013

Oh no not that question ..... the horror of choosing ..... the horror.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ October 17, 2013

Is there even a question?

Nash October 16, 2013

Last time I tore my continuum I was laid up for three weeks.

Jane Says October 16, 2013

That's pretty great! Good job, from one database artist to another :D

Silverstar46 October 16, 2013

Super cool!

hoops October 16, 2013

Well done, dude. I was worried, but you pulled it off! Well done.

Lepetit pumpkinesque October 16, 2013

My entry is back! I LOVE YOU! (Goes all fangirl)

ThisIsME October 16, 2013

lol well I did not notice anything wrong if that counts any lol

Deleted user October 16, 2013

You, sir, do NOT suck! ;)

cricket_factor October 17, 2013

You deployed the Way Back Machine?

Deleted user October 17, 2013

You could have called Q, but he's so unpredictable. You, m'lord, ROCK HARD!!!!

james ensor October 18, 2013

The clock is out of synch, THE CLOCK IS OUT OF SYNCH.

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