#9 in 2023

  • April 16, 2023, 5:56 p.m.
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  • Public

For the first time this year I ate my lunch in the garden. I caught the sun on my face a little.
The new novel prompted me to read up on Tudor witchcraft. The time period was highly superstitious. To me their spells and incantations seem more like a form of herbalism rather than actual witchcraft. Who would you put a hex on? I’d probably put one on some of the horrible people I went to school with. Why are teenagers so horribly cruel? Enough about that.
I had to FaceTime a friend after dinner. We talked and talked and the time seemed to fly by. We chatted about everything! Including her male co-worker who has BO. Should she mention it? If it’s offensive, then yes, I replied. That’s going to be an awkward conversation. How do you tell someone they stink and need to shower more?

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