• July 21, 2014, 12:56 a.m.
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Not really sure how to share this. Lots of emotions and feelings - so I'll sh are the Reader's Digest version, and let the chips fall where they may.

Someone from my work has stepped up and offered friendship. After much soul-searching, discussion with friends, and my daughter - I accepted freely and with excitement.

I spent some time questioning what his motives could possibly be. In fact, I even offered him an out. 'Mr. B, do you know what you're doing, here? Why ever would you want to get involved with someone who was completely lost just under 3 months ago?'

'Because - you strike me as the type of person I would like to hang out with and if you're up to it, we'll see where it goes.'

Whatever happens - whether we ever go anywhere together or not - this has served to remind me that I'm not finished or used up. It reminds me that I've been a good wife - and have loved my husband faithfully 'until death did we part'. Life will continue to offer possibilities, and discoveries will be made. I am alive - and I am well.

Darcy0207 from OD July 21, 2014

Cool. Very low key.

Darcy0207 from OD July 21, 2014

and affirming

motherofthree July 21, 2014

How nice. It's such a weird feeling going out again after losing your hubby, but we do need to remember that our life needs to go on, so go and have fun, its an opportunity to get out and about. I hope you have a good time, as it sounds like he's willing to take your feelings into consideration. =^..^=

NorthernSeeker July 21, 2014

I'm glad you have a friend. You'll get out more...socialize.

hot-lips July 21, 2014

You have indeed loved your husband until the end, it's ok to get to know someone new and see where it goes. If nothing more than a new friend comes from it, then that's also ok :) It's always nice to make new friends.

GypsyWynd July 21, 2014

Life does indeed go on, and I think the fact that this gentleman is interested, even in friendship, is a testament to what a good person you are.

Dancing Queen July 22, 2014

You are right, that is a gift all unto itself. What a beautiful thing. hugs

Deleted user November 16, 2014

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