Flash Friday 7-18-2014 Zig Zag, Scuttle, Cure in Flash Friday

  • July 18, 2014, 1:39 p.m.
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Almost half-way between Portland and Government camp at the base of Mt. hood is a little town called zig-zag. Because this is a flash and the prompts are Zig-zag, scuttle and cure, I am going to say right here and now that no matter what is wrong with you zig zag is the cure. It’s a positive thing to say and I think there is enough truth in it where I could defend the statement without needing to get hostile about it. I could work scuttle into this sentence, but I think I won’t.

I have been to a great many little towns and places that would be little towns if they incorporated and decided to be little towns, but they are not because sometimes things are best if you just let them be what they are. That said, among the many places I’ve been is a a small but significant number of places where I have honestly had the heavier-than-daydream but lighter-than-plan notion that I might want to live in that place. Zig Zag was part of that select group.

I use the past tense not because zig zag fell from grace or was eradicated by some Christian extremist group (I typed that to be funny, when it’s personal, the religion of an extremist group hardly matters; your town is just as gone). It’s that I’ve been through zig zag so many times that even with the hardest blind pretending I know , deep in the place where one knows things, I made a conscious decision to not pursue living in zig zag.

I had a friend who carved dope pipes out of antlers. He kept a P.O. box in zig zag to mail things from because the postmark was Zig Zag. A friend of mine who lived in Bridal Veil would provide, for a minimal charge, the service of mailing wedding invitations from his home so the post mark would read Bridal veil. The novelty of the name will never compare with the beauty of these two places.

Today I am sore and have put a lot of time and energy into fighting and relinquishing to a series of naps and non naps (naps for the relinquished , non naps for the fights). I am happy too. I am not thinking of Zig Zag Oregon in a melancholy way or with remorse or longing. I am thinking of zig zag Oregon because it is a place I like and it pleases me and in the moments when I am not actively napping or actively not napping I have been thinking of things that please me. Oh, and writing this.

This is not a conventional flash. It is not a conventional entry. In those two respects, both rather singular, lack of convention, this pleases me. If I were to think about it too hard I’m sure I could find several reasons for this not to please me. I’d rather nap or think about zig zag.

Flash Friday Community Page: https://www.prosebox.net/book/242/
New prompts: Engorged, coquettish, chafe

Deleted user July 18, 2014

Kind of Gordon Lish-y.

haredawg drools Deleted user ⋅ July 18, 2014

It's been an odd week. I was a stretching cats tail from going all whisky; the advanced class on you. I even went ahead and got the whisky ball ice maker and the glencairn tasting glasses. If Gordon Lish is as far off the fairway that I can hook my ball, I can live with that.

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