Hard truths in Tales of Transhumanism

  • July 9, 2014, 9:20 p.m.
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Okay, so here's the situation. Three-and-a-half years ago, I was arrested for being in possession of live ammunition. I had been drinking with friends in London and found a single bullet lying in the street, opposite a children's playpark. We had a good laugh about how the streets of London were paved with 9mil shells, and I stupidly thought that I would do good by giving it to a policeman to deal with. Well, I forgot, and that night got rowdier and rowdier, and eventually we were stop-and-searched by local rozzers. They, of course, found the bullet, I was arrested, I went to court, and they gave me a suspended sentence plus community service. Never mind the fact that I was attempting to do the fucking community a service by not leaving a nine-milimeter bullet in front of a kids playground, but that's another entry, I'm sure.

Anyway, I became homeless again shortly after and forgot all about the whole shebang. Cut to three days ago, when I was out and about getting hammered in the park opposite the house. A copper comes raring up to me, saying I'm being "drunk and disorderly" (I wasn't) and attempted to throw me to the ground to cuff me. I wasn't having any of that horseshit, and told him so. I attempted to leave. He smashed me in the face and cuffed me, and when I was at the police station they charged me with resisting arrest and assault on a police officer (a crime that I have been convicted of many times, thanks to the broad definition of "assault" we have in this country). After almost four years of not getting arrested, it happened once again.

The "four years not getting arrested" thing, as it would turn out, worked in my favour.

They haul me to the cop-shop where they fingerprint me and blah blah blah. Turns out there was a warrant for my arrest dating back to 2011 for the failure to appear. The police have been in my flat a few times over the last few months and they failed to mention that I was wanted, but now they've decided to tell me that I have committed an offense by not appearing to do my community service.

Not to worry. I mean, they've pushed trumped-up charges at me for minding my own fucking business that they know I can't try to contest, with my previous history of violence towards asshole cops (and, yes, there are decent cops out there; I don't attack all police. Only the ones that attack me first) so I pleaded guilty.

The surprise comes with this: they fuckin' bailed me. That right there is a shock-and-awe moment. The fact that I've spent the last three years trying, at least, to sort things out in my life has the judges happy. They bailed me. Incredible.

So here's the Cliff's notes: I found a bullet in the street and picked it up, ready to hand it to a police officer at the earliest convenience, and got thrown to the wolves as a result. They gave me a ludicrous punishment, which I didn't do. A few years later, I got picked up for an unrelated incident. Instead of being remanded, which is the usual outcome, I have been bailed for both offenses for pre-sentence reports. I pleaded guilty to both incidents, because fuck "fighting the power" when an early guilty plea gets a third off your sentence automatically. Conditions of bail are that I have a curfew between 7PM and 7AM every day, which will be electronically monitored via ankle bracelet. I have to sign at my local police station every other day (which, luckily, is just a few doors down from my house) and I have to talk to probation. They will also have me doing 150 hours of unpaid community service for the bullet, and, it's likely, another 160 hours for the assault on the copper... but that is all dependent on the pre-sentence report. If I don't make a good impression with the probation officer I will spend at least 8 of the next 16 months in prison.

Anyway... aahh, fuck the police.

Deleted user July 09, 2014

I was worried when I didn't hear from ya. Glad to hear you're not in prison or some bs.

I never liked the police and I do agree with "not all cops are bad." I've had too many situations that ended up so negative, why the Hell would I even respect them now.

Yet... I was surprised at first to read how this confrontation between you and the police went. I guess I was shocked because I thought only America was that shitty. I guess it's true, then: injustice for all.

TL;DR - Glad you're back!

Who's Laughing Now? Deleted user ⋅ July 09, 2014

And when Rolf Harris, a rich motherfucker, barely gets five years for molesting children, compared to homeless people who get put in prison for months at a time for begging on the street so they don't die... yeah, fuck tha police.

Deleted user Who's Laughing Now? ⋅ July 09, 2014

Don't forget the police murdering mentally ill homeless people, too! ...recent, but nothing new at the same time: http://guardianlv.com/2014/01/california-police-acquitted-of-kelly-thomas-death-gives-green-light-to-bad-cops/

I feel sick.

Ditch Witch July 10, 2014

wow just wtf..WOW. scumbag who lives up here raped some 15 yr old and still get to be out 3 hours later than you. makes me sick..what a ridiculous bunch of shit.

Who's Laughing Now? Ditch Witch ⋅ July 10, 2014

Pretty much how I felt about the whole thing, too, but what can you do? You say "Thank you, your honour" to the judge and get the fuck outta there as fast as you can. Not much else you can do.

Ditch Witch Who's Laughing Now? ⋅ July 10, 2014

very true...im still gonna sit and be bitter tho..its sad when you hear stories like this every day. people who do terrible things get away with murder..sometimes literally..while time and money is wasted on petty crap like this. sorry you had to be one of them. god..now that i think about it..the guy up here who raped a girl..his dad lives up here too..he was in prison for murder but is running around now. maybe you should move up here..you could do things like stab people and punch unicorns and no one would care apparently..

Who's Laughing Now? Ditch Witch ⋅ July 10, 2014

Oh yeah, it definitely sucks. I'm not pleased that I have to do all of this stupid shit to please some posh-ass judge who knows nothing about my life past what s/he's read in a fucking pre-sentence report. I'm particularly sick about the whole thing becase I have to see a probation officer, whose main goal is to report to the judge that I'm "remorseful" of my "crime". I have to show that I am remorseful of my actions. How can I be remorseful of the fact that I picked up a bullet from outside a kid's playpark and got arrested for it? It's dumb, bad luck, not some heinous, pre-meditated crime.

But if I wanna stay out of prison, I have to fucking go along with it. I have ti be real careful here. Shit, the community service, I'll blow through that, and the electronic tag isn't a problem whatsoever, but seeing a probation officer for the next however long is gonna fucking kill me.

Ditch Witch Who's Laughing Now? ⋅ July 10, 2014

are there any things u cant do..like drink or anything while on probation?

Who's Laughing Now? Ditch Witch ⋅ July 10, 2014

Oh! Yeah, I have to be sober, as well! Which, I assume, they'll monitor via random piss tests.

Meanwhile, Rolf Harris got five years and nine months for a string of sexual assaults against young girls. He'll be out in less than three years. That's bad enough, but he's serving his time in an ultra-cushy open prison. I, on the other hand, for possessing a single bullet that I found on the street, and couldn't use to harm anyone even if I wanted to, will be locked up for up to a year and a half if I don't jump through the hundred or so hoops that have been set up for me, and I can promise you that the prison they'll send me to won't be no cushy open prison. No, they'll send me to Wandsworth, which is hardcore.

If only I was a rich, celebrity paedophile instead of someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Silly me.

Ditch Witch Who's Laughing Now? ⋅ July 10, 2014

yeah no shit..i was wondering wtf you were supposed to do with a lone bullet anyways...maybe if you have ONE HELL of a throw? wtf?

Ditch Witch Who's Laughing Now? ⋅ July 10, 2014

well..short of juggle bullets

AlexYourAlterEgo July 10, 2014

Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

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