Pool Party in In the Meadow

  • July 9, 2014, 8:13 p.m.
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  • Public

The first two weeks of summer vacation have gone well. The kids have mostly just been relaxing. We are going to Maine for a vacation in a few days. After that, the kids will be going to summer camps. I'm not sure how much I will be online in Maine, so if you don't hear from me, that's where I am.

We were invited to a pool party on the Fourth of July. It was actually the Fifth of July, because that's when the fireworks were held. The party hosts live very close to where the fireworks are set off. Everyone brought an appetizer or dessert. I brought macaroni salad. We had burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and veggie burgers on the grill. It was a great party. The kids played badminton. They also went in the pool. There was also a hot tub for the grown-ups. It was a great time.

Otherwise just having a quiet summer.

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