Restaurant Babylon (Review - Second Entry Today) in Back entries: 2013 - 2015

  • June 26, 2014, 6:57 a.m.
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My second entry today’s going to be a bit of a short one.

Restaurant Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones and Anonymous (384 pages) is twenty four hours in the life of a divorced owner of three food establishments in London - Le Restaurant, Le Table and Le Bar. The different scrapes he and his staff find themselves in, the adventures that they’ve been in over the years, etc.

I really felt like more of a light read after The Faithful Executioner, which is why I picked this one up. I’d seen a copy at an airport in January, on my way to Cambodia for a bit of a break. It’s one of those light, quick reads (I described it as more “bubble gum for the brain” in my book journal entry today). It’ll be staying with the other books I’ve got in the Babylon series, in case I want to read “fluff” again.

Last updated January 01, 2015

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