The Never Ending Storrrry in (W)hole

  • Oct. 30, 2022, 3:14 p.m.
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We STILL do not have kitchen floors and half of our dining room laminate is torn up, but unevenly.. they literally broke boards in half and just hauled out whatever they needed to get out of the way in order to dry the water out. But it’s awful and I keep stubbing my feet on the corners of broken laminate planks and every time water gets spilled on the subflooring I’m like GAAAAH.

My grandma is in town, my mom’s mom. She had said she was going to move here and live with my Aunt Debbie (mom’s sister) and Uncle Bill. Then she decided to go back to Arizona for a few months to get things in order, sell her little trailer home and pack up her things. But she liked being back so much that now she doesn’t want to move up here haha.. I’m happy for her. She’s never been single in her life, but it seems like she’s enjoying the silence. I’m sure it took some getting used to, of course. But I’m glad she’s active with her friends and is always getting out and doing things. She has bridge clubs and bingo nights and so on. She’s a cute old lady lol I always used to write her letter when I was a kid. Like, ALL the time! I’d get cute stationary and make cards and just write her nonsense letters about my everyday elementary school life haha so funny. She’s the sweetest. My grandparents had 8 kids between them, I believe Uncle Troy is their only “ours” baby, and my mom and Debbie are my Grandma’s from a previous marriage. I thiiiink. And then my Grandpa Gene had 5 boys from a previous marriage, but he only really kept in touch / had a relationship with one of them, I THINK his name is Mike lol It was weird growing up in Alaska and being so removed from everyone else we “knew.” I always get jealous when people have Cousin Crews and Cousin Besties and whatnot. I have THREE cousins, and that is ALL!

Ranting done.

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