insurance in Another Open Diary refugee

  • June 11, 2014, 10:59 a.m.
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John just got a seems-too-good-to-be-true insurance quote from Geico and they said it wouldn't cost any extra to have me on it as a learner driver... I've wanted to get my license for seven years and he always said no, it would cost too much for my insurance... I think he's skipping over the bit where getting me a license would also require finding something for me to actually drive, and somebody to teach me. I guess it's good that he wants to help me, but he wants it done yesterday. I guess I should try to find out how you go about getting a license and learning to drive when you're an adult who's never had a license before... I took lessons and actually learned to drive twenty years ago, but I never got my license and I can't remember the first thing about it. The only thing I 'drive' nowadays is the electric scooter in the grocery store... I was quite pleased with myself when I learned to do a three-point-turn in the grocery aisle and back up in a straight line. :P Of course, I'll be learning in an automatic car so it'll be a lot easier than it was back then - if I'd gone for an automatic license I would have got it no worries, but my mother insisted on my learning in a manual car and I couldn't manage the gear shift well enough with a stupid clutch. :(

(btw I just looked up the DMV and they discriminate. If you're a 15yo kid you can take the learners permit test online and you don't even have to GO to the DMV to get a permit... but if you're over 18 you have to go there and take the stupid test in person. That's backwards if ever I saw it!)

Deleted user June 11, 2014

I don't drive either never have I'm 31 so if you out any thing for adult never before drivers let me know

elaine2 June 11, 2014

Mums never know what their kids will end up driving. I taught my son to drive a stick when he was about 10 (just up and down our very long driveway). I figured if he could drive that, he could drive any small vehicle when he got older. I prefer a stick, but these days they are special orders.

Moglie americana June 11, 2014

you'll do great!

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