As Your Life, My Life. in Poems

  • April 8, 2001, midnight
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  • Public

As your life was beginning

My life was beginning
As your life allowed you to love your family.
My life made me to watch my family die.
As your life allowed you to smile.

My life forced me to cry.
As your life let you meet new people.
My life built up walls to the outside world.
As your life allowed people to accept you.

My life had people shun and hate me.
As your life was filled with happiness.
My life was filled with sadness.
As your life began to rise to new levels.

My life began to plummet like the titanic.
As your life touched the sky.
My life hit rock bottom.
As your life reached all its wonders and glory.
My life was over.

Last updated June 11, 2014

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