Tuesday, June 17th 2014 in I Need A New Job

  • June 17, 2014, 2:56 p.m.
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Writers note: all names are changed to nicknames to protect myself... nobody is innocent here

Curb: Hey I'm being told this is a charge, is that right?
Me: I have no authorization up here for that
Curb: They want me to ask you if it's from Mental Health
Me: Again, I have no authorization up here for that
Curb: She says it's for T---- M-----
Me: AGAIN... I have NO information here for this, which means NO name, NO organization name, NOTHING. There is NO authorization up here.
Curb: Well would the charge just be under the hospital?
Curb: Well they don't seem to want to pay for this
Me: ....................[head desk]

...I need a new job.

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