Technical difficulties in Melbourne Diaries

  • May 5, 2014, 5:43 a.m.
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This’ll be short by necessity. I haven’t updated entries recently because of a difficulty between Prosebox and my web browser. Only my smartphone is capable of logging onto the site. Typing an entry therefore involves a bit of work going back and forth different apps.

No news about work that I’d really want to write out. ‘Mid-June’ is the crunch date for applying for my own job, a process that it’s looking increasingly likely I’ll have to face. Most of my ‘work’ at my job is taken up in looking for another job. Health is also poor, with a lot of colds and minor fevers, something I never used to really get.
On a more mundane note, my neighbours moved out recently, leaving completely trashed premises behind them. I could hear the landlord having a fit about it yesterday. There’s mould on the ceiling, dodgy DIY jobs gouged into the walls, and their car space may well as be a garage sale. Now this couple has two small kids, so I can sympathise that they didn’t have time to clean, but it would have been considerable to leave their house in a state slightly above a hovel.

Really feel like doing some weights when I get back home today. Not sure why.

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