I'd rather watch golf in Everything

  • June 13, 2014, 6:37 a.m.
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One of the women I work with showed me a picture of her daughter all dressed up to go to her Senior prom. She was so proud of her, she said doesn't she look beautiful? To which I replied, "Ya, I'd hit that!" She walked away horrified. Have you ever said anything that as it's coming out you begin to realize how disturbing it is but you just can't stop in time? Ya, neither have I.

Ok on to the World Cup. I am not the least bit interested. I don't really know why I dislike soccer so much (and no, I will not call it futbol). I played it as a kid, up until 5th or 6th grade. I understand the game, respect it even, you have to be in pretty good shape to run all over that field. I think my apathy towards it comes from the fact that I am American. For some reason the sport just has not caught on here, kinda like the metric system. From a marketing perspective it's kind of baffling, I mean it really should have. Look at any athletic field on any weekend morning/afternoon and there will be lots of kids on organized, coached teams playing soccer. You even had that woman on the US team rip her shirt off a few years ago after scoring a goal. It should be bigger here, but maybe it's just a little too European, kind of like men in Speedos.

So that leads me to another question, mainly to the women in the audience. Have you ever looked at a guy in a Speedo and thought anything even remotely positive?

Deleted user June 13, 2014

No freaking way. Speedos are gross.

KvsKaiju June 13, 2014

Sports have just become too political to me, I used to like hockey but it sort of fizzled after it became about the outside fans and their money rather then the game itself. Oh well, such is the times.

Lobbastah June 13, 2014

Nope. I'd prefer they leave it to my imagination, which is usually much better.

Gurly239 June 13, 2014

Nope. One time I was on vacation in Florida and took this beautiful picture of the beach (we just don't have beaches like that where I'm from). Well when I got home and showed the picture to my friends, they all asked why I took a picture of an old man in a speedo. Sure enough, there he was, sullying my beautiful beach photograph. sad face

donut June 14, 2014

The world cup is a pretty big deal here, mainly, I think, because Canada is ridiculously multicultural. They even changed the channel on the tv in the lunch room at work from the news station to world cup coverage.

red over red June 17, 2014

I say stuff like that all the time. "Can't believe you let her wear that on the last night she is a virgin." Awkward. Also nothing good has ever come from a speedo. I mean , men can be sexy but the junk in general isn't terribly attractive no matter how you dress it up.

Melancholy June 28, 2014

No...I have never once looked at a man in a speedo and thought anything but "dude, really? NO! Nasty!" Dudes are far more sexier in swim trunks or surfer suits.

I am forever saying exactly whatever pops into my head at the moment it does so. I have come to love that about myself. While that was, cough yeah...not cool dude, (hahahaha), so what. She'll get over it. Not like every other dude that sees her isn't thinking the same thing.

Melancholy June 28, 2014

As far as soccer goes? Meh, DD played and coached...although I did find the dude biting the German player interesting.

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