Nine - 26.05.14 in Your Face

  • May 26, 2014, 5:34 a.m.
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Nine days of work left.

Am feeling anxious today, because M is so slow at feeding me information. I want to know what date I am leaving. I won't risk going ahead and booking something, because I don't have my passport back yet, and I don't want to screw it up and lose money. At the same time, the longer I leave it, the higher the flight prices creep.

To keep myself somewhat calm, I have instead booked the collection of two more cartons. I am sad to see the money go from my account (these two cartons are quite heavy), but I am reminding myself that that is what I had put the money aside for, and I should be grateful that they are cheaper than I had anticipated.

I need to slip back into the habit of doing at least one thing per day to keep this move going. I continue to have faith in my husband, despite being distracted over my hurt feelings.

I checked out websites to list my car for sale, and that made me feel nervous. I have never had to sell a car before. I am going to ask my eldest brother to help me prepare the advertisement, as he buys and sells cars several times a year. I will also ask him to meet with potential buyers with me so that I don't get ripped off. He was the one who found my car, and went with me to negotiate. I am thankful to have a nice brother like him.

(For those who don't know, I have two brothers. One lives with me and I refer to him as my "middle brother". My "eldest brother" is married with three children. I also have a sister who is older than I am, but is younger than my middle brother. I am the youngest.)

Am menstruating like a maniac today, so no gym for me tonight. I'd like to go to pump tomorrow night, but we'll see how my uterus feels about that tomorrow.

I am going to go to bed shortly and read my book. I couldn't sleep until late last night, and have a stiff neck.

Tomorrow's plans, to try and keep unnecessary stress at bay, are to check the tape on the boxes I am shipping, meet with the guy around noon tomorrow for him to pick them up, and to continue to monitor my email account for news from M, which I don't expect. With his track record, I won't get another email for another five days, but we will see.

I bought a calorie tracking watch on Ebay for $8. I think I surprised even myself with my cheapskate tendencies this time. Anyone want to place bets on how long the thing will work for? I am going for two weeks - which is about the same time my $10 pedometer lasted. When will I learn?

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