Mother's Day in Starting Over

  • May 12, 2014, 3:55 p.m.
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We had a great day with my Mom on Mother's Day! She came over after church and we bought her lunch. After she left we watched a movie and then Keith went over to his parents to take his Mom's gift to her. I was still feeling all dizzy and nauseated so I decided to stay home and rest. I slept the ENTIRE time he was gone.

This vertigo is for the birds, dude!!! I will be glad when this stuff goes away and stays away!!!! It is driving me bonkers. I will start to feel better and then it hits with a force again. I am taking some meds for it, but it's really not helping as fast as I would hope it would. lol!!

Things with Keith and I are going great. We have a new addition to our family a half lab/half husky mix named, Stella!!

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I hope that you guys have a great rest of your week!! Hopefully I will drop by and grace you with my presence again soon. Take care and God bless!!

aglow May 12, 2014

I JUST WANT TO SMUSH MY FACE AGAINST YOUR PUPPYFACE. Ohmygosh. What a dollbaby. How's it going with her settling in so far?!

Dancing.Shadow May 13, 2014

Stella is so adorable! She is a beautiful dog! :) Glad to hear you had a good Mother's Day :)

RomanTurtle May 13, 2014

Did I find you? (Christen formerly 7thHeaven on OD)

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