Yesterday in Help Me Please

Revised: 08/29/2021 7:14 a.m.

  • Aug. 29, 2021, midnight
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I was called a Nazi because |I will be having to have a Covid passport of some kind and this person said all of this to me and I responded as best as an adult I could, this is what was said....

I’m not trading freedom of health to be under a nazi regime. I’m sorry that you like Nazis. I’m not commenting after this. I don’t like talking to people who like Nazis and who are anti semetic. Rationalizing that Jews deserved it in the way you did is racist and distasteful.

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I have a really stupid question for you? Why wouldn’t you want to live as long as possible without any health restrictions? haven’t you seen enough people die already?

You replied.
Do You Support The Covid Passport? in Help Me Please

Out of Doubt: End time ⋅ 2 hours ago
I’m not into being under a nazi like rule. Sorry. I live exactly how I did prior to covid. If you want the vaccine, awesome. If you don’t, awesome.

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But they also had tattoos on their arms, and the Japanese and Chinese had to show papers and pay a head tax so stuff happens and if you want to live the life you once did you will do just about anything....

You replied.
Do You Support The Covid Passport? in Help Me Please

Out of Doubt: End time ⋅ 8 hours ago
The Jews had to show papers too. Look where that got them.

There is more but then it really doesn’t matter what was said because it was just an idiot talking and has no idea how sick they will become and when or if they will die.

So I sent this to the administrator and he can deal with them or not. But to have people who are racists is just wrong. And I was really hurt being called a Nazi because of my religion but then this idiot probably doesn’t know what I am and just said that out of stupidity.
And this I think is very fitting....

Okay onto something else....

Not much is happening today so it will be a really easy day and hubby will be watching football if I am correct it will be Canadian football because the NFL is still in their pre season and he just doesn’t find that as good as the regular season. But next week or the week after the regular season starts and then hopefully he will watch it. The Cowboys will be playing. Go cowboys go....
Not that anyone really cares but the Vancouver Whitecaps fired their coach and now a new guy is taking over but I don’t think forever.

Onto something else....

This is right on I think....

You know I have been thinking of all the documents we have been carrying in our wallets all these years and for some reason we don’t complain about having to have them. Things like a drivers licence, your medical card so you can see a doctor or get medication and you also have identification of who you are and your insurance card so you can get extra medical care and what about a passport so you can travel? how are these things any different then having one more card saying you can be safe around others and not kill them? But the thing I keep asking and so far no one has answered me is “How more people and children have to get sick and die before everyone is vaccinated? Do we hate each other that much and are we really that selfish?
The reason I am going to get this passport is because I want to be able to go out for meals and I want to see my family and I also care enough about people I don’t know personally.
Did you know that 92.2% of the people who are in the hospital and the ICU are the ones who are not vaccinated? I wonder how many of those will have life long issues or die?
I have a feeling that all the school will be forcing people to wear the masks and they have to be vaccinated especially the high schools and universities and colleges. And I read somewhere that a doctor can not treat you if you haven’t been vaccinated. And there will be a lot of small business refusing your business if you are not vaccinated or wearing a mask.
Did you know that once the Delta variant is in you that it can take up to two days for you to feel sick? So for two days you have no idea that you are really that sick.
I know if I didn’t have the vaccine I would have been a perfect candidate to be in the hospital and in the ICU with a ventilator but because I know this I am still being very careful of where I go and who I spend time with. And where I go. I try to stay away from the smaller business if they have a lot of people in them and I tend to go most places alone and wear my mask. This is all I can do to protect myself because to tell you the truth I kind of love me and want to live a life where I won’t have issues more then I have now.

Onto something else....
Well I should really stop here and go figure out what is for dinner.

Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, and Behave.

Last updated August 29, 2021

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