It's time to say a hello in Day by day

  • May 8, 2014, 5:24 a.m.
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Not been into my diary much these days. Not even been playing with my sims freeplay at all, now that is a serious change for me, as this is what set my routine when my moods were low.

I'm now busy with my voluntary work for Mind. It give so much to think about and has certainly stimulated the past me, the one I left behind many years ago. It's good to feel like me once more, I had thought this part of me was long dead but seems not.

Hubby, has been very restless recently and been booking many weekends away and other events for us to attend. I think he is finally coming to term with getting older and that his health conditions are not just a blip but with him for life. It's been so hard or him to adjust.

We have also been spending money on the house such as a new mattress, new sofa and chairs. The children's bedroom has now been plastered and the kitchen is having the damp course done once again, at end of month.

I also love my xbox at moment and play poker on it most days. Don't worry it's virtual Chips and cost nothing to download or play. I have also made like mind friends in the poker room, which makes it more fun and we hold tourneys each week. I am even a good player and great fun.

Archie, is still his mischievous self, taking a mile if we just give an inch. He has personality and never boring to be around and keeps me on my toes.

Tomorrow is my 58 th birthday and that means a trip to Blackpool, I am actually excited about this.

Jennette, brought the children around with a wonderfull Victoria sponge cake that had been filled by Issy, with fresh strawberries and cream yum. She did eat a very large slice herself and took another home with her.

I see and hear a lot less of Louise recently since she broke up with Owen and moved a lodger in. She is very busy happy and content right now. She goes to Bulgeria tomorrow on her own for a week of house riding.

Do life is steady at moment and all is well.

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