David Gibson - 1961-2014 in QUOTIDIEN

  • May 13, 2014, 9:38 p.m.
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My neighbor, Mikalyn, prepared this video to be used during the memorial. I think she did a great job.

David Gibson Memorial Video

NorthernSeeker May 13, 2014

It is a very beautiful tribute.

How are your kids doing?

MJ's Page NorthernSeeker ⋅ May 13, 2014

The kids are also grieving. Alex, our middling son, is being all 'strong for mom'. I fear that it will ultimately be to his detriment. His girlfriend says he's not cried, yet.

Our oldest is grieving hard. He wears his feelings on his sleeve, and I suspect tomorrow will be very hard.

Our youngest son - who has chosen a path apart from the family - is holding up well so far. He is dealing with regret, and I pray he finds his balance when all is said and done.

Anne-Marie - I see her every day so I have a better idea of how she is doing. She is one, tough cookie. She worries about not constantly being in tears. She is young (at 14) and has no real experience with loss, so I understand where the questions come from. She can do this. She is a little angry - but with support, and some well-place suggestions, she is readily guided towards diplomacy and grace. I am very proud of her.

Katren...In Conclusion May 13, 2014

cricket_factor May 13, 2014

What a perfect song. What a perfect video.

motherofthree May 13, 2014

that's a great video and in the years to come, it'll be nice to go back and watch and remember and enjoy the memories it'll bring. My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow! =^..^=

GypsyWynd May 14, 2014

A beautiful tribute. My prayers are with you.

Noodlebugs! May 14, 2014

Thank you for sharing. Over the years I've been reading you, there were not many pictures. I feel I know you and your family a little bit better.

Pintador May 14, 2014

Glad you shared that, MJ. Thinking of you & your family today.

Linda May 14, 2014

I really got a sense of a kind, gentle, humble guy. What a loss. Hugs.

hot-lips May 15, 2014

Beautiful video and pictures. Hugs.

middle age pearl May 15, 2014

A wonderful tribute. I had the same song played at my husband's services. It says it all. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. God Bless

CPA2B June 08, 2014

What a beautiful tribute to a loving family man...

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