Song of the South in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • May 12, 2014, 3:34 p.m.
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  • Public

Good afternoon, People's. It's Monday. Blah.

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Hail Anyone?

I think this was round 2 or 3

I had a great Mother's Day. Didn't do a whole lot. Although, we did have some pretty nasty storms for about 3 hours that had off and on hail. Of course, I blame it all on Hubby for washing both vehicles on Saturday. And cutting the grass. And watering the lawn. Murphy's Law working hard for us and all LOL.

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More hail

round 5 or 6

I took a bunch of pictures, and even some video but I won't overload you with them all LOL It's been so long since we had rain that I was like a kid on Christmas morning. There was only minimal thunder and lightening so that was good. Just lots of rain, wind and hail. Our area was getting pretty bad with the drought. Local NWS preliminary estimates are at 3 - 5 inches of rain for my area in that 3 hour time frame. No where near the amount we really need. But it's a good start.

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Our patio awning

no more standing outside while raining

We did receive some minor damage to the patio awning but I'm not sure if/how we will repair it. I'm not sure if it is covered by our home insurance or our homeowners insurance or if we are just shit out of luck. Do I even want to go through the hassle of finding out? We discussed putting the same thing back up but then we will end up in this very same spot again, eventually. So then do we do go with plywood and shingles, at a much greater cost? Will we need to get a building permit first in order to do so? So many decisions, so many questions.

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another view

We do know this isn't our forever home and we only plan on being here another 2.5 - 3 years max so it's okay if we don't go all fancy on it. I do want it fixed but can I be happy if we went with just duct tape over the holes? LOL Nah, it'd make me miss home too much lol. In a perfect world, I'd love to do the shingles and then screen the whole patio in so that we'd have a nice bug free environment, but that would entail a lot more work than just the cover of the patio. I guess for the time being we will just leave it as is and worry about it in the fall. I'm pretty sure it won't survive the winter and the weight of the snow with all those holes so we'll need to do something by then. For now we still save for our Ohio vacation and then worry about the patio.

So anyway, Mother's Day was nice. I was off work. I did work 3-11pm on Saturday so the bees were very busy while I was working lol. I came home to flowers, cards and home made cupcakes that The Child slaved over (her words, not mine lol). She'd also made me a cookbook at school and wrote me a very personal message in it.

"Dear Mom, Thank you for all the things you do for me. You are always taking time out of your schedule to take me to karate, Girl Scouts, and pick me up from school. You will always have a special place in my heart. I just want you to know how lucky I am to have a special mom like you. We may have our differences and fight, but no matter what happens I will always love you. I just want you to know how much I appreciate all of the things you do for the nice things that you do. After you come home from work you clean, cook, and take me to my activities for that day. You do everything for dad and me. I am still shocked that you find time to go to bed at night. I just really want you to know how much I love and appreciate you for everything you do. Happy Mother's Day Mom. Love, (The Child)"

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From Hubby

aren't I just so lucky?

So yeah, tears were shared, hugs were exchanged lol. That kid gets me every damn time. And if only I could get Hubby to follow her example! Instead, I get a card from him that The Child kept saying, "I don't get it. What does it mean?" Have I told any of you (lately) what an ASS he is? I explained that it was a nickname he used to call me when we first started dating because he had pissed me off one day and the look I apparently gave him reminded him of a chipmunk and therefore he would call me that. Which yes, is a true story, about the Chipmunk part (the ASS can't even spell it right!). The MILF, well, she'll learn soon enough I suppose. One of her friends at school will be more than happy to tell her LOL. I just wish he would stop and THINK sometimes before he does his stupid shit! I really don't want my 12 year old daughter to know what MILF stands for ... sigh

Ok, I'm outta here. I'm working audit tonight & tomorrow night so I probably won't be on for a couple of days. If we are sold out tomorrow night, I might bring my lap top to work. We'll see.

Till next time ...

anyahs May 12, 2014

Such a sweet little note from Child! LOL about hubby's card. He'll regret these things when Child learns what all of it means!

JadedAngel68 May 12, 2014

I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day. Sorry about the storm damage you got. I will admit that I don't know what it stands for either :)

Chic Chat May 12, 2014

Bahahaha "chipmonk" . . . That is priceless.

Kiddo is to sweet. I'm glad she gets it right.

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