New CD Released Last Night! in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • May 7, 2014, 2:57 p.m.
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Well, my son found his freedom in time to get his band together and rehearsed for the CD release of his 5th solo album. It was last night and from what I have heard, it went very well. He is incredibly grateful for all his friends and supporters, but mostly for his wife and how she has been by his side and kept him going. Right now, he values his freedom to do what he loves to do, be with people he admires and have options. He also has a new fund-raiser going to help with the production and promotion of the new CD. This is the link to the indiegogo campaign and his silly video.

We have always wondered why he doesn't do any acting anymore. He is very talented, always has been, but has only done a few shorts and one or two plays since moving to Texas. BTW: the voices he uses in this video are not how he usually talks. HAHA.

Tomorrow is the last day of classes for the semester for me. Now it's all grading, grading, grading... final exams are next week and I am tired just thinking about it. For some reason, this has been a difficult semester. My students have not risen to the level that was intended for them - with many of them failing completely. I offer so may opportunities for them to be successful and only a few took advantage of them. It isn't difficult to pass my courses: come to class, read the chapters and do the homework - that's it. Those who understand that always excel in my classes, those who are lazy or think they can try to con me - always fail. Unfortunately, there are several more cons this time around. It is frustrating knowing some of these students will be on academic probation or suspended next semester and that at least 4 of them will not graduate because they are failing my class. I find this incredibly sad. If it was just me, a lot of soul searching would be going on. Many of my colleagues are saying the same things - there is no fire in the students this semester. Well, to be honest, there are a few shining stars out there. Maybe I just want to believe they should all be shining stars and find it a struggle to deal with the reality that maybe, just maybe, they are not.

The sun is shining and it's 67 degrees outside. I am going to shut down the computer and go sit in the sun for awhile. Hubby is coming to pick me up in about 1/2 hour so we can get his truck out of the shop. (vehicles have been breaking down one after another...) First the wheel barrings and ABS went bad on the truck, than the transmission, coolant system and reservoir on the Mini Cooper needed to be replaced, and as soon as we picked the Mini up - the truck went back in because the break-lines and axle all needed replacing. I have no idea how much $$$ this going to put me back... Maybe hubby will have to come out of retirement for awhile to help pay for some of this... Yeah, like that will happen... Oh, well. Better to be safe.

I have been stealing some time on occasion to write. Maybe by Friday I will post the newest short story. The novel is slow and I think I got myself boxed into a place that I hadn't intended to go and can't quite figure out where or how to take it someplace else. Part of me says to just let it go where it wants to go... Maybe that is how it should be done. Suggestions?

Okay, time to shut down. Take care of yourselves and I'll catch you all later.

Nash May 07, 2014

I think it is great how supportive of him you have always been.

ermentrude May 08, 2014

I can imagine how frustrating it is to watch students with such potential spend their time frizzling it away, especially with the amount of money it costs to go to college sigh x

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