Sad - 11.05.14 in Your Face

  • May 11, 2014, 6:52 a.m.
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It's Sunday, so what else is new? Except this time I am sad at receiving this email from my step mother, which is completely unfounded and out of the blue after not hearing from her for a month:

"Hahahahahha............I am soooooo happy. I think I am so smart. I am right. we live in different state.You also can made trouble in the back to and your brother played facebook game on the internet.I am not stupid.I really don't know why your guys treat me like shit.I haven't done anything to your guys.Such an ass hole!Fuck up!!! I learned fuck,,fucker,fuck up,fuck off,fucking from your family. I don't trust you at all.You are the one that I told you everything more than anyone in your family and treat you better than anyone as well. I wished you happy birthday to you.You also can delete it. Such a sly bitch! You only speak nice and writing nice but never do anything nice.Your guys just don't want have happy life.Miserable all the time. Always taking never giving.Don't even have good heart and selfish never thinking about other people.hahahahhaha........ I will not crying anymore. No need cry for these stupid people. Thank you very much your guys to make me so strong and learned lot of negetive things in fucking Australia.I am so lucky to have very good heart man to love me very much in my life.hahhahahah....... happy happy happy!!!!

Before you came to gold coast. I said to Bob I want to transfer few thousand dollors to you when you go to America before to help you and you can move to New York early if you can.But you really made me very disappointed.I am thinking about to everyone.Nobody will remember.Someone treat me a litter bit good. I will give them my heart. but......."

English is her second language, so please don't be jerks about her spelling and grammar. I am just really saddened by this. I have done nothing to try and hurt this woman, I love her, and have tried really hard at having a good relationship with her, but in the past 6 months I just keep getting this crap from her. She thinks that my brother and I are making jokes about her on Facebook, which we're absolutely not. For example, I posted a news article and tag him in it (for example, a story on a sequel to "The Goonies") and tag him in it (because it's something he might like). The headline was, "Goonies never say die", and she interprets that as my brother and I having a dig at her because she has said that she wants to die because she's so unhappy. Um, no. Just no. It has absolutely nothing to do with her, and in fact, she removed me from her facebook list a month ago after that exact misunderstanding, so I can only assume that she's now snooping on my page via my father's account, and misinterpreting everything again.

So, I sent it to Dad and said that I wanted him to see what she writes to me, and that I am being attacked for something I haven't done. I said I am hurt and I don't know what to do because she obviously doesn't listen to anything I have been saying to her for months. I just can't deal with this right now, on top of everything else. She needs to either get some help for what are clearly pretty severe mental health issues, or she can just keep the eff away from me.

So I'm pretty fucking flat about that right now. I don't want to give up on someone I love, but I am not strong enough to carry it alone.

In other news, the wedding in Townsville was really nice. I don't feel like talking about it right now, though, so maybe another time.

Dictynna May 11, 2014

Wow. you poor thing! you certainly don't need that sort of shitty behaviour.

I hope she learns you're not what she thinks.

It's Time For Me. May 11, 2014

That's not right of your stepmom. I hope your dad can be some help in the situation.

Rerrin May 12, 2014

I'm sorry. That's awful. Is she still with your Dad?

AlexYourAlterEgo Rerrin ⋅ May 14, 2014

Oh yes. I don't see him ever leaving her, and she is now an Australian citizen, so it's not as though she can go running back to China. She would have no way to support herself in Australia, so I suppose her only real option would be to re-apply for Chinese residency or citizenship and go live with her sister.

But, that will never happen. I am expecting to hear nothing from her for a few years, and to have the usual sporadic contact with my father (but no more visits to his house, of course) and then one day I'll find out that she's gotten some help for her obvious mental problems and we can start mending our relationship. That's why I am torn - she is obviously mentally ill, but until she and my father recognise that and get her some help, I can't do anything for her, and I don't deserve to be treated like this. She's my step-mother and I love her, but she's not my spouse, my sibling, or any person close enough to me that I would accept that sort of behaviour from.

Rerrin AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ May 14, 2014

That's fair enough. So your Dad doesn't this there is an issue with her behaviour?

AlexYourAlterEgo Rerrin ⋅ May 14, 2014

I tried to bring it up with him, following a midnight phone call (with him on speaker phone) where she was hysterically screaming at me because I apparently didn't hug her goodbye when I left their place three months earlier. When I mentioned it to him a week or so later, he shut me down and said she just thinks too much.

Not really sure what his approach will be this time, and I just can't give a shit. I still love my father, and I love the person she used to be. There are no hard feelings coming from me, but I don't want her contacting me any more. I imagine he is probably worried that this will ruin my relationship with him, but it won't. He was meant to call me three nights ago and still hasn't, I'm just losing respect for him for not having the guts to deal with things instead of ignoring them (I am painfully aware that I also have this trait).

Rerrin AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ May 15, 2014

Well I hope she gets the help she needs soon!

AlexYourAlterEgo Rerrin ⋅ May 15, 2014

Me too. I really mean that.

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