Church And State in Help Me Please

Revised: 07/05/2021 2:06 p.m.

  • July 5, 2021, 7 a.m.
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  • Public

Or is it Church and Country?
I have noticed especially on Facebook that people want to being religion back into the schools and I don’t think that is a good idea because there are too many religions in one place and not all of them will be recognized and that is what my issue is.
Why is it only the Christian religions are recognized in the public school? the only way you are going to get your particular religion is if you go to school that teaches your religion like the Jewish faith or the Hindu faith. I have never seen any public school teach all the religions just the Christians ones and this is where the argument is.

I think religion should be either in a place where there is just one religion or in your own home then everyone there is the common denominator and understands totally the rules and the ways.

All these religious posts on face book I just shake my head because people just don’t seem to believe that good will happen and that because something bad has happened they need total strangers to give prayers or say amen? What good is it for a stranger to say anything if they don’t know you personally or even know what has happened? I just shake my head and wonder why people just can’t do their own praying and how do they know that whatever prayers these people sent will actually work?

I know I have prayed when I was a child and nothing ever changed so there went my belief when it came to religion and asking for things.

I think the most important part about religion is following the rules and customs and whatever days there are to bring the family together just to be together.

I have a question? Why is it that the only time you really see your friends from church is at church? Why can’t you spend time with them any other day of the week or month why just Sundays?

I use to really not like going to synagogue because all of my so called friends were just stuck up Jewish Princess who thought they were better then everyone else and I never did enjoy my time being there with them.
But the one thing I did do that I am happy I did was learn the Hebrew language and learned about the holidays but because I stopped being educated I have forgotten a lot of it but I still can read the language. And today I can still do the holidays and I still know the why’s of the celebrations so that is one thing I have.

The one thing I did for my son when he was about 10 was I sent him to a few different religious groups for kids so he could learn about that religion and he got a taste of some of the religions and then when he became an adult he decided to become atheist because he just didn’t see the point in believing in some thing that he couldn’t see or talk to and for the most part all these holidays like Christmas is just another day where you get a free meal from mom.

A Rabbi once told my mom that once a person has died there is no sense on going to the grave site because there is really nothing there just bones and if they have been dead long enough even their bones are gone so what is the point? And why do people waste their money on flowers when they know the flowers will also die?
In the Jewish religion we find a small rock and put it on top of the grave stone and that means someone was there visiting. But cemeteries give me the creeps just knowing that no one is really there.
I know for my family the only time any of them go to the cemetery is for someone else’s funeral then they will go to where their loved one is and then leave. We really don’t spend much time at the cemetery.
But what we do have is all the memories of that person and how happy we were when they were alive.

Onto something else....

I have one more week to go before I am totally vaccinated and then I don’t have to wear my mask unless the place I am at says different. And hubby is totally vaccinated and is already not wearing his mask except at work because their mandate is the rules of Australia where the head office is. So until they say any different his company here has to follow their rules. And he still has to fill out the Covid form before he goes to work. I am not sure if a lot of business has this but I think it’s a great idea because if you answer yes to any of them then you don’t go to work and you still get paid. They even have a question asking if they have been near someone with the symptoms and if that answer is yes then they stay home.

Onto something else.....

I need to stop here because I can’t think of anything else to type here....

So while I am gone please Be Kind, Be Calm Be safe and Behave.

Last updated July 05, 2021

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