Forward in QUOTIDIEN

  • May 7, 2014, 11:52 a.m.
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Thank you all for your kind words of condolence! The flood of love and support we have received has been astonishing! Yesterday, a man from my church came and worked three solid hours, pruning and trimming our front yard. The burn pit out back is literally buried in brush. I smell another bonfire in our future. (Maudlin note: more ashes).

Arrangements have been made, and tomorrow will mark the first day that we resume the task of living in the world of the living.

It would be unreasonable to ask the entire world to stop long enough for us to gather our strength and balance before getting back on the merry-go-round. We represent, after all, just a simple speck of sand on the beach of this world's misery.

I've called my work to let them know I'd be in tomorrow. Figured I would start with a short day.

Anne-Marie will likely start back to school tomorrow, only for as long as she can take it. It will be her first outward step in chipping away at this monolith of grief, and it is not my place to dictate just how great that step must be right now. Let her see me survive it and know that it is doable.

The request, for the Memorial, is that there shall be no suits. Jeans, khakis, dress shirts is the dress code. I was going to insist that men wear suspenders in memory of my husband's favored attire, but one of his brothers was pretty staunch about not wearing them. ;). We'll see.

Deleted user May 07, 2014

Thinking of you and Anne-Marie as you go through the process of learning to live in a new world. Much love to you. xx

Amelie's Twin May 07, 2014


Pintador May 07, 2014

Keeping you in my thoughts every day, MJ...

Linda May 07, 2014

You are an amazing woman. Much love.

Katren...In Conclusion May 07, 2014

Noodlebugs! May 07, 2014

Don't be afraid to also let her see you struggle, so that she knows that's ok too. You'll get through it together. The both of you are made from strong stuff.

NorthernSeeker May 08, 2014

I hope the flood of love continues for a long time.

middle age pearl May 08, 2014

My husband's favorite weekend attire were his bib overalls and a t-shirt. He was buried in his "dress up" bibs as he called them as he'd gotten them for Christmas in Dec and he died in May of the following year. Prayers and more prayers for you in the coming days, months, and years. God Bless you and strengthen you and guide you. Use God to talk to when you don't know what to say and lean on as much as possible.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm May 09, 2014

at my son's funeral, i told everyone to wear what they normally wore when they saw jason. told them that if they dressed in all black or dressy clothes, he'd get up and leave. i saw torn jeans, black leather jackets, tennis shoes. i had his favorite heavy metal cd played and left it in the coffin with him when the service was over. prayers for you. take care,

daybyday77 May 31, 2014

Wow MJ, I'm so sorry to read this and the previous entry. My heart breaks for you and your family! Sending you love across the miles HUGS

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