The Miracles Are Here in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • May 8, 2014, 5:31 p.m.
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It is 80 degrees outdoors today. Hallelujah! The first thing I did was get dressed and go for a 20 minute walk. I didn't want to risk the weather changing to something crummy and missing out on this rare moment. I wore a couple of crepe type fabric dresses layer over each other and my sandal Crocks, felt heavenly light and breezy.

I forgot to cover my arms where all the sores are then decided they are likely protected sufficiently by the liquid bandage/skin stuff. They look so gross, like I've been getting dialysis. Hopefully in a week that will be cleared.

Gosh it was nice to be outdoors. I really haven't but twice since last Father's day. God blessed me with many of His little beauties. Turtles, trees beginning to bloom, geese bathing and playing in the ponds, birds of all sorts, and in my yard some plants from last year are now starting to rise, even my pink Alyssum is blooming. That all made me smile.

I'm worn out now, need a nap. I thought today I'd be ready to go full steam but I'm just a little puff.

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crystal butterfly May 08, 2014

This is the time of year of so many miracles. At least this time of year we can see the miracles happening.

Deleted user May 09, 2014

I love the warmer weather, too. :) So much prettier here this time of year.

Spirit Song May 09, 2014

Oh I'm so glad you had a beautiful day and a nice, healing walk. There's something about being in God's outdoors watching His magic show that is healing both physically and spiritually. Praying for your total healing and restoration, and sending warm breezes your way, friend.

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