This time last year... in Welcome

  • May 3, 2014, 8:20 p.m.
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I 'm going to use this opportunity to try to get familiar with how this whole PB thing works. Like, how you post pictures and whatnot. Last night we were at Andy's graduation party and realized that at this time last year we were romping around Italy. I think pictures of Italy sound like a fun way to learn this thing, yes?

So we flew into Milan and drove up to Lake Como. I do not recommend this. We were so tired that I am kind of shocked we didn't drive our car off a cliff. We did nearly drive into Switzerland by accident, but the nice lady at the border let us do a highly illegal U-turn across four lanes of traffic so we could get back to Italy. What a nice lady!

We stayed at a little B&B called Villa la Mirabella or something similar. Instead of staying in Bellagio, where it was crazy expensive, we stayed across the lake with a view of Bellagio for half the price. Win.


Hey! That works!

But uploading eleventy billion pictures took a long time, so I'm gonna have to finish this later.

Ok, one more from Como. We slept for approximately 17 hours, lazed around the room, had a delish breakfast with fresh blood orange juice, and went exploring in the rain. Mostly we were lazy and relaxed, which was the perfect way to kick off our honeymoon. I don't think we would have survived the rest of the trip without a couple of days to unwind first. Here's Michelle basically standing on the roof of the B&B, after climbing a bunch of windy, slippery steps. There were more homes/hotels and roads up above us. Mountains are weird, y'all.


I'll do a new entry for Florence and related day trips, either later tonight or tomorrow.


pandora May 04, 2014

I can't wait!! Let's talk sometime about this. You need to help me!

Incognito Angel pandora ⋅ May 04, 2014


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