nothing to lose in Laurel's Prosebox journal book

  • April 12, 2021, 11:18 p.m.
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Something to lose, nothing to lose

All who hate the gospel witness to the world
and who hate the encouragement ministry to the saints have a few things in common.

Whether Church-men or Worldly-men, IF they hate to see and hear a witness of Christ, they have a few things in common with each other.

They are all embarrassed by Christ.
And they all have something to lose.

Yes to say “they are all embarrassed by Christ” is a true and sad indictment
which needs no further explanation (in this post at least).

But this thing here— they have something to lose. Let’s think about this one for a minute.

What do Worldly-men have to lose? Easy: Power, position, jobs, status, money, favorable reputation with the world, ego, money, family approval, acceptance by peers & colleagues, possibility for advancement in the company, money, society’s acceptance…

Now what do Church-men have to lose? Easy: The exact same things.

They have something to lose “in this world”.

We have nothing to lose in this world. This is the only way that we can
bring the gospel witness to the world and the encouragement ministry to the saints.
We must have nothing to lose in this world.

What then do we have to lose?

Our Jobs and status? Ok we lose it
Our money and things? ok we lose them
Our acceptance by family, peers, neighbors, employers? Ok we lose them
Our acceptance by society? Ok we lose it
Our so called protections, liberties and rights? Ok we lose them
Our families, homes, property, possessions? Ok we lose them.
Our freedom, our safety, our lives? Ok we lose them.

We have nothing to lose!

Therefore, we witness to the world and encourage the saints.
And no power can stop us.

More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ. Phil3:8

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