Death and Dying in The start of something?

  • April 16, 2014, 4:03 p.m.
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There’s something that annoys me whenever it comes up, and it came up this week so I’m going to write about it.

Last week, a friend of hubby’s passed away. He was only 53. We only found out by accident (they had been out of touch for various reasons over the last couple of years). It was a huge shock. When hubby first came to Australia, he made friends with this guy’s group. There were four couples involved in the group. They have all since broken up and moved on… including this guy who I’ll call JA. JA was a jeweller and gave hubby his first job in this country. Hubby loved it. Anyhow.. as I said, all the couples marriages broke up and JA eventually got together with some ditsy model. Nobody liked her (mostly as they were loyal to his first wife).

When I came along, I didn’t know any of the couples and so I just accepted JA’s new wife as his wife.. the person he chose to be with. Sure she was very vain but that was ok… They moved to QLD and we saw them when we went up there on holiday… later when that marriage broke up, he came back to my city and hubby and he caught up again. He was full of life… full of partying and drugs too… he was the kind of guy that was always scared he was going to miss out so had to use every second of the day. He was the life of the party…

All of that is an aside…. So we found out he’d passed away through hubby’s sister who was part of this four coupled group.
They were all very close… JA was bestman at hubby’s sister’s marriage… he is their daughters godfather… But hubby’s sister said she wasn’t going to go to the funeral because “I don’t like funerals” She said the same thing when my dad passed away and didn’t go then either. THAT is the statement that makes me want to slap someone senseless. “I don’t like funerals” I KNOW we all grieve in our own ways but who the hell likes funerals??? It’s uncomfortable for EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! Who the hell do you think you are by saying you don’t like funerals? Do you think everyone else is going there to have a good time???

So hubby and I went yesterday.

It was really uncomfortable and would you believe none of the four couples were there.. Neither was the 2nd wife (and I had to wonder if she even knew.. last we heard she was modelling in America) There were tons of people there, but mostly family . But I just thought it was sad that this partying group couldn’t farewell their friend..

It was an open casket. He looked awful in there. His face was really puffy and it seemed like a really tight fit.. but I had to see him to believe he’d actually passed.. I kept thinking this has to be some kind of joke…

It was a nice memorial and there were lots of nice things said about him. He’d recently tried to turn his life around again and had been spending quality time with his kids. He left three behind…. They spoke beautifully and it was very very emotional. I wondered if we’d turn up in the photo presentation but we didn’t.

It just really reminded me that you have to spend each day doing what it is you want to do. No matter what it is. It doesn’t have to be something grand… it can be little, just make sure it’s what you want to do.. and treasure your loved ones because we’re all going to be taken one day….

ElvenAssassin April 16, 2014

ermentrude April 16, 2014

How sad that no one else from the group showed up. X x

Deleted user April 16, 2014

wow, that surprises me none of the four couples were there. yeah, no one likes funerals, but I do see both sides of the argument. I can see why she wouldn't want to go bc I also try not to go to anything that makes me sad, uncomfortable, etc. bc life is too short to spend it doing things you hate. Like spending time around ppl you don't like, there's just no need. But I do see your point as well. There is a need to go to funerals bc by not going you are not acknowledging their life or accomplishments at all. Not going is saying something and maybe she doesn't realize what she is saying by not going is really not something anyone should be saying at all if they were truly friends with him. It is sad, too sad. 53 is such a young age. I can only think of my father when I hear stories like these. He was diagnosed with cancer almost 5 years ago and I would have lost him in his 50s if he hadn't been able to fight it. I think that's too young for most people but who knows how people are picked for death's door. Sometimes death makes you question what you believe in so it's nice to know where you stand. Sorry for you and your hubbys loss dear. be well.

blackpropaganda April 17, 2014

Looks like he was a victim of a lifestyle which he was trying to turn around. The friendships he had now seem very shallow - and it does come back to family and true friends. I am not sure anyone likes funerals, but they are a means of showing respect to someone - and as I get older I fear I shall be going to more of them - until I become the guest of honour at my own - now, what will they say about me?

Adira April 17, 2014

Nobody likes funerals - what a stupid thing to say! But you go out of respect for the person and their family. Ugh.

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