Spring cleaning in Laurel's Prosebox journal book

  • March 24, 2021, 10:17 p.m.
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Spring cleaning
(for Christians)
Time to freshen things up a bit? Open the windows, let the fresh air in, get the cleaning supplies, roll up your sleeves. Let’s get started:

do we have pure devotion to Christ?
do we have love for each other?
and do we have love for those who want to kill us?
do we have unity with one another?
do we encourage one another for love and good works?

do we have a testimony?
and are we ever a witness in some way? in any way??
do we deny self?
are we willing to sacrifice?
how about suffer?
are we willing to enter in to the fellowship of HIS sufferings?
are we willing to “take up the cross” ?
are we growing in the knowledge of the Son of God??
do we have power from His Spirit?
do we have joy
do words and song come forth from us?
do we love the scriptures
do we love to meet with one another
do we hope to care for and edify the saints in some way?
and to those called and gifted as pastors…. have you humbled yourself?
—and do you really love the sheep?

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