another Zionism rant in Laurel's Prosebox journal book

  • March 24, 2021, 11:06 p.m.
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Gentle reader, a warning: this is another Zionism rant. Sorry not sorry.

Ten Shekels and a Shirt
“I am amazed at how much the church in America can accomplish without the Holy Spirit.””— A Chinese national Christian reflecting after touring American Churches.

One of my all time favorites….. a 20th century classic.

So Dispensationalist eschatology is more important to a large segment of American Christianity (thanks to satanic false teacher infiltrators inside Christianity)…. than love for God and love for people and obedience to Christ.

From what I’ve heard, Christian Zionists want things for themselves (Humanism) and that is why they are on board with CZ. They want “God to bless them” and “Jesus to come back” and they want “the end times to come” and they want “the rapture”…….. they will be very shocked to find out how these prophetic scriptures actually play out. It’s not what they are assuming…

But for them it’s ok to throw entire people groups under the bus of white sulfur, bombs and bulldozers, in order to get WHAT THEY WANT. “I WANT TEN SHEKELS (heaven when I die) AND A SHIRT!” (God to bless me while I live). Sad, they are warring in the flesh and seeking to bless the fake Israel. We are supposed to war in the spirit and bless the Israel of God.

IF the Freemason (satanic) Israeli ZIONISTS and their UN/BRITISH EMPIRE creators
actually loved God and loved people they would do everything they could to love and protect and minister to the Palestinian people (Christian and Muslim) and all the other nations in the entire region.

and IF THE duped American CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS actually loved Jesus Christ and loved people they would do everything they could to love and protect and minister to the Palestinian people (Christian and Muslim) and all the other nations in the entire region.

and if these Dominionist ZIONIST shill “pastors” speaking to large Churches and conferences actually loved Christ and Christian sheep, they would not preach satanic messages of war, killing and preemptive strikes, they would preach this: love for the Palestinian Christians, love for Muslims, and love for enemies, and love for whoever who wants to kill us, and they’d say that we are to obey Christ, trust God, be not afraid and be as Christ unto them ie giving our very lives.

Dedicated to the One who DOES love, and who WILL receive the reward for His suffering.,organizations%20practicing%20humanism%20behind%20a%20mask%20of%20Christianity%21

Last updated March 24, 2021

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