Sat/Sun May 10th/11th 2014 in I Need A New Job

  • May 11, 2014, 5:20 p.m.
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Writers note: all names are changed to nicknames to protect myself... nobody is innocent here


B: Do you know how many times I've said I'm 23?
Me: Like... today or in life?
B: Life
B: About 30,000
Me: Really? Haha I was going to guess 5000
B: I've spent about 13 and a half hours of my life saying it
Me: Now I'm curious to my time spent saying [company name]
B: I'm not a big fan of my 23 numbers. Might be better not to know
Me: You're probably right.
B: Or how much time I spend thinking about useless things
Me: Hahaha story of my life


Me: I'm a sucker for punishment. I finished the math. 21 hours and 36 minutes of saying [company name]. Almost a full day... I regret everything!!
B: Hahahahaha

Maybe I don't need a new job... but I could use a new hobby.

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