Changes in Everyday Things

  • March 19, 2014, 3:11 p.m.
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Georgia Weather has been strange lately. Our weather hasn't been consistent since January/February. One day, it could be in the 70's and then the 50's the next. Just last week the high's reached into the mid 60's, and the high today reached the high 30's smh. We were actually fortunate to miss the last big winter storm Titan a couple of weeks ago. We only received a little bit of rain from that system. It's supposed to stay in the 60's the rest of the week though. I know my northern friends don't want to hear my complaining about Georgia weather though LOL.

A good bit has happened since my last entry.

I finally paid the citation for the accident I had back in December. The total cost of the citation was $368 -_-. Even though it sucked, I'm glad I was able to pay it.

Jasmine and I celebrated our 10 month anniversary a week after the last Ice Storm, and tomorrow marks our 11 month anniversary :-). We've been talking about having her come here in either June or July for a couple of weeks. Since Ana stays two hours east of me, I could take Jasmine there for a week then pick her up to stay with me for a week.

Over the past few months, my mom and I have experienced lots of issues with our washer and dryer. At first, the dryer wouldn't heat properly, so she got someone to put in a new heating element; it was only a temporary fix, and then the washer wouldn't spin out properly -_-. Once we got THAT fixed, we were left with a decently functional washer and a dryer that could only tumble cool air. It took all day for a load of laundry to dry in the dryer. Whenever I needed to wash my clothes, I had no choice but to dry my clothes days in advance. The other alternative was to go to the laundromat. It actually wasn't too bad, but it wasn't cost effective. Fortunately, I only had to dry one load of clothes heh.

Around the first of January, my mom wanted to go ahead and put a new washer and dryer on layaway at my job. Since I get the discount, we were able to get the washer and dryer at a pretty good deal. We were finally able to pay off the washer and dryer two weeks ago. The original delivery date was on March 29th. We were able to move it up to March 11th. I was hoping we would be able to have our washer and dryer delivered early in the morning, but we were told our delivery time was set between 4:45 and 6:45 p.m. I had to get up early that morning anyway to help run errands with my mom. I had two missed calls from Sears delivery team, and they said they would be in my neighborhood around 9:30 and was wondering if it would be okay for them to come that early. I told them they could come, and we would be home. My supervisor wanted me to come in that morning, so I told him I would have to find someone to look after my mom while I was gone. My aunt was able to come over, so that was taken care of.

The delivery team came around a quarter to 11, and they were finished with the delivery around 11:20. After the washer and dryer was installed, my mom immediately wanted to wash her clothes; I told her she needed to wait until the washer finished its initial cycle before she could put in her clothes. I stayed behind long enough to ensure she knew how to load the clothes properly (we have the washer without the agitator), and then I left for work.

Here's our washer and dryer:

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We are in love with the washer and dryer! It feels so good to finally be able to wash our clothes in the convenience of our own home and not having to go to a laundromat lol.

Speaking of changes, we got a new store manager at Sears. He actually lives about 10 minutes from the store. Before he became our store manager, he would frequently visit and observe the store as a customer. He's very knowledgeable and knows the ins and outs of the business. He's very particular about how things she operate, but he was very impressed with the way I work ^_^. He said, "I liked you from the first day I saw you work." It feels good to be appreciated hehe.

I have more to say, but Chip is begging me to take him outside to use the bathroom. I guess I better end this now lol.

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