Again... in Hello.

  • Nov. 1, 2020, 4:03 a.m.
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  • Public

I’m typing this entry at work. I’m hosting the track and trace station, which is essentially a big skive as I’m allowed to drink tea and play on my phone while I do it.
England are going into a second lockdown. It only really affects me as John works in a restaurant that has only done takeaway since March anyway. The girls are going back to school as normal. So it’s going to be a bit of a holiday for me really, having the house to myself and getting 80% of my wage for a month! I can’t see me being made redundant as we’re still busy generally and really stretched if any staff take time off.
Belle is devastated. Not only will she not be able to stay at her boyfriend’s or have him over to ours, she’s due to turn 18 on the 21st and was really looking forward to going out to buy her first legal drink. I’ve told her she can do something special once restrictions are lifted.
I had planned on booking us into a beautiful posh restaurant down Borrowdale. It’s a pan-Asian restaurant and both girls love Japanese food. It would have cost me a fortune, but we didn’t go on holiday this year and it’s a special occasion. I wanted to do something fun as well like segways or paintballing or something. I’ll save it till the weather starts to get better. The restaurant won’t be going anywhere in a hurry!

Bomb Shell November 01, 2020 (edited November 01, 2020)


So you’re getting another month off work? Lots of walks for you!

Poor Belle, it will have be a big knees up for all three of you when restrictions are lifted. Maybe she could buy some booze from Sainsburys in the meantime. I know it isn’t the same as going to the pub, but she could still have the thrill of buying her own alcohol. Does she have ID?

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ November 01, 2020

I've got loads to do around the house, but the treadmill is good for hopping on and off! I can exercise without even getting dressed or brushing my hair! 🤣

Lucretia November 03, 2020

Ah, what a shame. I just can't imagine what it must be like as a teenager right now.

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