A Good Night in the San Luis Valley in All Of The Above

  • March 30, 2014, 10:22 p.m.
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It was a wacko overnight lock-in with the local kids.

The lock-in had been planned for over a month, and we had thirty-plus kids signed up. Games included dodgeball, tasting mystery food and guessing what it was; eating a banana through a stocking while wearing the stocking over your head; 'Fear Factor' food (I'd never had gefilte fish until that night!); movies; and other fun, disgusting, and scary activities that, of course, the kids ate up! :-)

The last of the kids dozed off about 3am, and myself and several other staff stayed up 'just in case'. It was..touching...to realize the trust the kids had in us, and the trust their parents and caregivers had in us as well.

"Hello Kitty" sleeping bags were next to 'Batman' pajamas, and bunny slippers and sneakers lay close to sock-clad feet, and to quote Elmer Fudd, it was "vewy, vewy quiet."

The only exception was our resident li'l gymanst - about 'oh-foot-two' - and a very assertive seven-year-old. She got up, quietly snuggled next to me, then said she was cold. I offered her my railroad jacket, upon which she promptly slid her legs into the sleeves and trundled back to bed!


Dawn arrived, and we made pancakes and scrambled eggs for everyone. We had syrup - but no whipped cream or bacon for those who raised a fuss for not having those items available. :-)

One by one, the kids went home, until only us so-called adults remained.

I cannot wait to do it all again!

aunty EM March 31, 2014

What a great experience. Thanks for sharing it.

Eriu March 31, 2014

Hey, I didn't get invited!

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