Smooth Operator in The start of something?

  • April 4, 2014, 4:51 a.m.
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So I did it. I was nervous all day!!! I brought stuff to work with me so I could "Freshen up" before my appointment... wore an uncomfortable g-string... and off I went after work for my laser appointment. (see previous entry)

The girl put me at ease right away... turns out I needn't have worried about freshening up before as they provide all that there... they even provide disposable g-strings that you wear. I'll keep that in mind for next time!!!!

The girl who lasered me wasn't shy about using words like labia and bum. You're supposed to shave the area before hand and I wasn't as meticulous as I probably should have been and left some hair along the labia and she asked me if I wanted that to stay there... er.... no thank you... so she shaved... and she cleaned up my shaving everywhere else too... so I'm lying there legs spread while she's touching my private parts. ... I chatted away nervously for the first five minutes... I mean overchatted... and the session doesn't go for long. It's way quicker than waxing... She had me on my back and did what she could reach and then she said "do you want your bum done too?" well yeah! Of course! Isn't that part of a brazilian? I kept apologising.. "yes that too please. Sorry" I mean honest to god I felt so sorry for the poor girl having to do what she was doing... They can't like that part of the job.. I can just hear her talking to her colleagues later.. "You should have seen the one I had today! so fat I could barely get the laser in there to treat the area.. bits of hair everywhere and what were those things!!!" haha.. no I don't have things I'm embellishing...

But I'm glad it's done.. Don't have to panic for another six weeks now!

Mum of Yum April 04, 2014

Woo hoo! What was the pain like?

January Child Mum of Yum ⋅ April 04, 2014

she kept trying to prepare me for the pain but honestly there was none!!! It was the same when I had my underarms done.. barely a sting! Definitely MUCH better than waxing!

I need tea. April 04, 2014

Id love to get it done!!!

caramelchicken April 06, 2014

I highly doubt those girls would be bothered by anything, they've seen it all before! Good on you, I'd love to get all my unwanted hair lasered off but it's not the cheapest thing to do :/

aussie_powers April 15, 2014


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