Lame is the word of the day. in General Chatterboxing

  • Sept. 9, 2013, 4:34 a.m.
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Ugh i had one of those crappy days. My friend is like go back to bed and do a do over. Then sadly her day today has been crappy. She needs one too. Anyway i got up and was doing some major PMS. Usually it dosent hit me till the end of the afternoon when the kids start getting on my nerves but it was right out of the gate. Bickered with the husband. So it pissed me off. We left the house and i was mad. He was being really indirect about what he wanted to do. Eat here, eat there, stop here but wouldent say where HERE was. Just eye wiggles and shifty looks. I finally gathered he wanted to go back to the pound and try to get the puppy we saw there. So i got excited for that. Stopped and got some lunch. His mom called, she bought a new car and needed him to drive her old truck home. So we swing into the car place. and he wants to ooh and awww over the car. The kids are mad that they are still buckled in, and i wont let them loose. The baby is screaming, the oldest is bawling because he decided to disobey me after i told him to wear his sweatshirt at 50 degrees and he took it back off then lost it. So he wanted to go to his grandmas and i said no. you best start listening to me. HUsband is still oohing and ahhhing over the car. Its been about a half hour. Kids are screaming, im telling him the kids are freaking out. Hes saying YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING. How could he NOT hear them! THey were loudly screaming. So finally i said, im going to the pound. So hes like yelling at me about wantin to leave. so i get in the suburban and we start to go, he decides that they are going to go too. They swing into the gas station but im in the wrong lane so i just went on to the pound. Get there. BOTH puppies are still there, yes. Go to stand in line, the lady in front of me has the paper for the puppies. Wait 45 minutes ( he shows up with MIL) she gets to the front of the line and adopts both puppies. Cue kid heartbreak, im totally dissapointed and pissed at husband. If he hadnt had to ooh and ahh so much and let me leave when i wanted to just drop him off, we would have gotten one. So then we leave there. I get 3 of 4 of the kids, Im angry. Oldest is bawling loudly at not going with his grandma again. Youngest is crying because he wants to get out of the car. Kid 3 is being quiet. Oldest cried because i didnt stop in the store to get him shoe laces. We went to the craft store to get something for my work. They didnt have it. Made me mad. So i resigned mself to go to the worst store in town. Wait nearly 45 minutes to turn onto the highway off the side street. Finally said fuck it and turned around and went home. Still angry. The whole day was a blasted flop. at home we were supposed to pack. Didnt do that. Kids thrashed their room. I sat and played a game and knit all night. Oh and made pizza, and when i was less pissed i made root beer floats for the kids. THen stayed up all night playing games. Didnt overly talk to the husband. Which sucks. He went to bed and rolled away and went to sleep. So no lovin. I know what his deal is. he wants me to be more agressive but im not. I try but im not and he gets mad at me about it. Well get up and its raining again. Sigh. I have 4 totes i can pack and bring up the stuff from under the house. But thats it. The roomate moved out, but he hasnt gotten all his stuff out of the room. As soon as he does ill start moving my things down there. Move out date is by the end of October....

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