Why Am I Doing This Again? in The Adventures of Sugarbear and Cupcake

  • May 12, 2020, 9:47 p.m.
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So Randy wants me to file for unemployment. But from what? I still work for Primerica. I think he might be talking about the dental job I had a year ago. But the owner is a friend of my dad and I just don’t feel right about it. I’ll talk to him tonight. Besides I have a job. I think it’s a little too late. Also I just filled out my census info. It was quicker than expected. All I have to do now is set up a bank account so I can get direct deposits.

Oh, a while ago I applied for this secret shopper thing from Whole Foods. I got my first “assignment” in the mail. I’d get paid $450. I’d have to purchase some gift cards and write about my experience at the stores and take pictures of the gift cards which are going to be used in my next assignment. I’ll ask Randy about it later. For some reason I’m questioning it now. Anyway we could use the money. These are the things on my mind right now.

Also, I like to watch ASMR videos on YouTube of people eating. Is that weird? I don’t get tingles or anything but for some reason I find the sounds soothing and I like to see what they eat. Even I kinda think it’s strange. But whatever. Enough people like it that a lot of people have YouTube channels about it.

The dogs got their gentle leaders yesterday. I’ll watch the DVD that came with them tonight and try them out tomorrow. Fingers crossed this works. Cause it’s out of hand, especially when they see another dog. Pray this collar helps with training them. Took Ludo and Rogue to my parents’ house today to play in their backyard since the dogparks aren’t open yet. They had a BLAST. My mom was funny. She’d never met them in person before so when I took Ludo out of the car she said “Oh my! He’s a tank isn’t he!” He kind of is lol.

I’m sleepy today for some reason. Don’t feel like doing a whole lot. I’m about to cook some dinner though. Enchilada chicken breasts with tortilla chips on the side. Tomorrow is Wednesday already. This week is going by fast! Too fast. Still so much to do. Kinda feeling overwhelmed right now. But it’ll pass. But I really do need to start cooking even though I want to keep typing. There’s always tomorrow. So, until then.

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