Mother's day in The day to day

  • May 10, 2020, 10:10 a.m.
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A woke up at 6:30 this morning. The earliest since we’ve been stuck at home that he has woken up and of course it’s on Mother’s Day. We let the dogs out of the door to the backyard from my bedroom and then went to the living room. Sat for awhile while he ran around. Then I could hear the dogs barking outside, so I told A to let them in through the kitchen door. He did and immediately exclaimed there was mail on the porch. I was alarmed that someone had put something at our back door. I got up to investigate and saw a card envelope. My ex had stopped by sometime in the night to leave a Mother’s Day card. He delivers pizzas on the weekend so is out late. We would have been in bed when he came by with the card. He wrote a note in the card thanking me for doing a great job with the boys and for decorating our daughter’s grave. He said even though he’s not here he wants to be the best and do the most he can for us that we will allow. He said that just because we aren’t together doesn’t mean he doesn’t see and appreciate everything I do. We may have our differences and not always agree on things, but it’s nice to know he can see I’m doing my best. I wasn’t expecting anything today since there has been no school and the kids have no concept of when Mother’s Day is.
I’m taking the kids and we are going to see my parents today. I haven’t seen them since February. Plan to follow all the protocols we can to be safe but I need to see my parents!
Happy Mother’s day out there to all the moms. ❤

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