Getting anxious in Just me!

  • April 3, 2014, 8:56 p.m.
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Oh, anxiety is my middle name tonight! Tomorrow will be my last day at a job I have loved at my church. I've been the youth and children's coordinator, and it's been such a joy. Well, at least being with the kids has been a joy. Some of the parents have made my life miserable. Not dealing with them will be a relief, but I hate that they made it so unbearable that I had to make the decision to leave.

Bill and I are also losing a church, because I can't stomach being around people how are so devious and hateful. sigh And people wonder why Christians get a bad name...

Deleted user April 03, 2014

I feel your pain!

crystal butterfly April 04, 2014

motherofthree April 05, 2014

It is sad that some "christians" aren't very christian!! Have a good weekend! =^..^=

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