A Word From The DiaryMaster in Tales Of The Peruvian Mountains

  • Sept. 11, 2013, 8:04 p.m.
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It's come to my attention that some of you may have misgivings about my identity. I assure you that I AM the REAL DiaryMaster and can prove it: I have the word "REAL" in my screen name. I'd like to thank all of my loyal supporters, here on Neuvo Open Diary for their support during this confusing day of no outages back at OD Proper; I hope that you WILL eventually come back to where you belong, the premier Internet diary site for angsty middle-aged men living in their parents' basements since 1998. Again, thank you.

The DiaryMaster has spoken.

Jane Says September 11, 2013

Yo, wut up, DM.

The REAL DiaryMaster Jane Says ⋅ September 11, 2013


delete please The REAL DiaryMaster ⋅ September 11, 2013


Lepetit pumpkinesque September 12, 2013

I think if you were REALLY real, you would have made your name 'The REAL DiaryMaster (and no I'm not kidding!)' .... just sayin'...

The REAL DiaryMaster Lepetit pumpkinesque ⋅ September 12, 2013

I'll have EWS look into that.

Kimber September 12, 2013

Wait wait wait. All this time I was reading the name as "The REAL DairyMaster." D'oh!
My bad.

Kimber September 12, 2013

So, let me get this straight: you're not the diary master OR the dairy master?

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