Bethsheba - our Adopted German Shepherd in Favorite Pictures

  • Sept. 5, 2013, 5:59 a.m.
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We had a puppy all picked out from the litter. We had named her Ziva. Then, during one visit in particular, I invited myself to follow the breeder out to her kennel where she kept her blood stock.

At the time, Bethsheba was only 10 months old, and clearly not suited for kennel life, not that I believe it's a life for any dog....but she was different.

Once her kennel gate was opened, she came flying to my side, sat against my leg, and looked up at me with such adoration she captured my heart. But this was silly. Who would take on an older puppy like this, over a cutesy widdle wiggle worm that was Ziva? The question answered itself. Puppies go quick. These older dogs, not so much. We begged the breeder, who retains breeding rights (whichi is about to change).

She was a submissive urinator - was afraid of men - and channeled Cujo whenever she saw a cat. I continued to visit her whenever we came to visit the puppy, and I came to believe that we could overcome Beth's issues.

And we did.

This is a shot taken a few weeks after we brought her home.

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She was a timid dog, but not jumpy. We loved her through it.

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And now, she breaks the rules willy-nilly, my daughter does! Dogs on the bed, indeed!

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This is her restrained, unblinking, unwavering, 'I'm NOT begging for your food. See? This is me.......NOT......begging. NOT begging. NOT' look.

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Cat Mommy September 05, 2013

She looks just like my Hedi-girl. Gorgeous pup!

MJ's Page Cat Mommy ⋅ September 05, 2013

Thanks. She is 19 months old, now -and weighs in at 90 lbs. and, she has made friends with the outdoor cats, who let her poke her nose at them, and lick them.... They just can't get past the butt-sniffing thing.

Deleted user September 05, 2013

She's beautiful!

Satellite Six September 05, 2013

She is beautiful! She is lucky to have you. How long have you had her?

MJ's Page Satellite Six ⋅ September 05, 2013

Since January 21st, 2013

Deleted user September 05, 2013

Huge dog :)

Deleted user September 05, 2013

She is adorable! I love her up on the bed with AM!

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