Random Acts Of Conversation in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • March 24, 2014, 11:17 p.m.
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Today was full of short chats with people, unplanned "hey, how are you" kind of visits. Nice to catch up with folks of course. As the day closes out I've been thinking there was a theme lingering in each of the conversations, that of God's grace.

A friend who this week is celebrating her one year anniversary of a successful kidney transplant talked about the challenges, the "why me?" and of feeling tired. Though she is nothing less than grateful I understood how very real the "why me?" can become and how quickly that thought can begin to defeat the deep determination to push forward in God's sight, no matter what. Being tired will lead to feeling weak. This was part of our discussion, the honest fact that we both have been tired beyond normal. Confiding this in one another renewed our strength and answered the "why me?" with "why not?"

My personal health challenges are of my own making so to complain does not come easily. I could have died years ago from a variety of activities related to what has me sick now, yet God spared throwing me into the fires then, and now. That is His grace, the conversation continued. It is our opportunity to be of testimony in so many ways. My friend shared that others often told her she was their hero for all she endured during her illness and transplant, for her this made all her suffering worth it. I've had several people express to me how what I am going through gives them courage to face their demons.

We just never know who may be watching us, and Christian, let us hope at that moment we are seen on the cross and we know our afflictions are light in comparison to Jesus' suffering. At this point in our chat we both found ourselves feeling stronger, praising God for His mercy.

Shortly after the next chat began, my friend asking me, "Are you still growing?" I wanted to say sure enough like a thorny weed, instead acknowledged I'm growing. I know I am cause growing hurts and I've felt plenty of hurt lately in my heart, though I rarely mention it. No point in grumbling. But something prompted me to speak up, honestly. "Friend, I need you to pray for me. I've been feeling a lot of loneliness lately and though I fight it off, I feel it."

Prayer is a privilege of the Saint, an honor to be asked for, cause God likes us to come before him with our supplications. It's our time to walk and talk with our Father, as Saints we are called out by the blood of the Lamb. It is nothing less than being in God's grace. We feel better after prayer for ourselves and others, but I think particularly we feel better when we pray for others.

My friend took to praying for me and soon enough the indwelling was not only felt by me, but by him. God knows no boundaries, it is only us humans that limit the power of prayer. But not this afternoon. I think could I have seen my friend's face I would have seen the glow of God and tears of love and joy that come during special moments when the Holy Spirit moves among the Saints. Yes, there again, God's merciful grace, raining down on me, taking away the feelings of being alone and filling me up with His abundant love. Praise God!

Lastly I was chatting briefly with baby girl. She had surgery on her hand today and was in pain. Excitedly she shared that her husband and her decided to work out their issues and stay together. Praise the Lord. She of course is happy, but then tells me how in spite of this she will never be able to forgive the woman who her husband had eyes for. It was on my heart to share forgiveness of everyone is part of the circle of healing and rebuilding trust, lest the heart have a cold and broken place. We talked only a bit, I thought a great deal. This is something I have had to work through not so long ago. No matter what, without complete forgiveness the heart does have a cold and broken place. Instead the Hallelujah (Praise to God) of what was beautiful about a relationship/friendship must be found. It truly isn't possible to carry hate toward a brother and honestly carry love of or for God in your heart. Forgiveness is everything.

Christ died on the cross so we could have that forgiveness. Amen.

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Spinster March 25, 2014

I hope she can find forgiveness for the woman.

crystal butterfly March 25, 2014

Someday she may be able to forgive the woman.

Roseoftexas March 25, 2014

Those are the best kind of visits!!! :):)♥

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