Guess who's running again.... in The start of something?

  • March 17, 2014, 10:39 a.m.
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I'm into my third week now...

So remember how I use to run almost 100kms a week? How my daily run was 14kms a day and then I'd do a "long" run on the weekend? I'm running WAY LESS than that now.. but then again, I've only just started again and I'm heavier these days...

I gave myself the distance of 2km to start off with. I've mostly been running 2kms each weekday and 4km each Saturday and Sunday....

Today, Monday, I ran 2km in the morning and another 2km after work because I won't be able to do it tomorrow morning..

2kms sounds so weak.. so does 4km but I know this is where I have to start and I have to make sure I'm totally comfortable with these distances before going further.

So I'm in my third week and I've been really consistent so that's all good I guess...


In other news, my secondment at work ends on the 31st of March and I still don't know what's happening. I DO know that if it's not extended I'm going to resign. There is no way I can go back to that other hell hole of a job. I've been really really sad about resigning and potentially having to leave this job I really really love.

I'm getting so stressed I'm getting a panic attack type loss of breath thing. I don't know how to describe it so sorry that doesn't make sense I just feel like I can't breathe. I can never take in enough oxygen. I think it's a panic attack but it's not a big attack it's ongoing. I'm taking big breaths all day....

It's the job thing, and I also want this title for the house thing to be done too. My house sold and settled.. all good.. but now the marital home needs to go into both names and there's no reason why that won't go through, but I just feel anxious until that's done...

I think it's mostly the job thing that's getting to me right now though...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And I'm missing my daughter. She's living with my mum during the week and is here on the weekends... On Sunday I drove her to my mums and stayed watching tv with her for a while.. then gave her a big hug and kiss and had a lump in my throat as I left. I miss her.

whowhatwhere March 17, 2014

I hope the job thing works out for you!

ElvenAssassin March 17, 2014

I hope they realize they'll lose you if the send you back. Glad you're getting back to something you enjoy!

January Child ElvenAssassin ⋅ March 17, 2014

They do know it. They want me but unfortunately it's up to management interstate :(

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