Job News in The start of something?

  • March 26, 2014, 5:09 a.m.
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My supervisor pulled me aside as I was about to leave today to say that she'd had the unofficial word from the big big manager in Sydney... and my secondment has been extended until the end of June....

While I would have loved to have been made permanent in this position, I'm SO HAPPY that I won't have to resign.... I'm so happy.. so so happy.. I really really love where I work. In two weeks I will have been there 12 years!!! Wow.

I'm not allowed to tell anyone though until I get the official word and that should come by the end of the week but my supervisor is going on leave and wanted me to know before she left work. She is so nice. She has really fought for me to stay there. I hope I don't let her down!

On another note.. I'm ruuuuuuunning..... 4kms a day for the last four days and each day gets a smidgen easier...although it's still not easy!! But then, I've only been back about three weeks so I'm not beating myself up about it... Will be nice when I can comfortably do more kms...

whowhatwhere March 26, 2014


Mum of Yum March 26, 2014


blackpropaganda March 26, 2014

Good news all round

ElvenAssassin March 26, 2014

Way to go!!!!

ermentrude March 27, 2014

You'll be back to twenty km runs before you know it ;-) x

April Fool March 28, 2014

Nice! You put me to shame in the exercise department. Keep up the good work! And speaking of which, I'm glad you're staying, even if it's "unofficial." I do have a question... I'm wondering what a secondment means? And are you really not permanent after 12 years? Talk about stringing one along... but no doubt I'm a blithering dolt here, just not understanding it. Anyway, it's great that you're happy and love your job! (How many can say that, nowadays?? Not so many.)

January Child April Fool ⋅ March 31, 2014

Oh my position with the company is permanent! I was hired that way... but I went for another job internally and it was a 6 month secondment... so what that means is that after the six months, I'm supposed to return to my regular permanent position... but now I've been extended to the end of June which is the end of our financial year, and hopefully they'll be able to fit my position in within the departments budgeting at that time to keep me on. :)

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