Journal Entry Update in Getting my feet wet. Jumping in

Revised: 02/11/2020 5:41 p.m.

  • Feb. 10, 2020, 11 p.m.
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Over the weekend my knee became more and more tender. The last day in Sedona I didn’t see a step and took a tumble. Even though I was able to catch myself on the way down I twisted my knee. It felt like it was just a little out of alignment. So yesterday I went to see the doctor who did the stem cell in the knee. It had been several months since I saw him and his team. I got hugs from everyone. He examined my knee and said what I thought it’s out of alignment. Yeah, I self diagnosed. He did manipulation, ultrasound, taped and adjusted my exercise routine. He had me come back today and was pleased with the progress. Next time I see him is Friday. He wanted to see how it progresses after a few days.
After PT, we went into Dallas. This was also the 6 month blood draw for my semi-annual doctor visit. They took 7 vials of blood! Thankfully the person who drew my blood usually gets it on the first time. She is really good because I hardly felt it.

It’s been raining again so I was glad Phil drove me. I had been fasting since about 7:00 last night and after PT and the blood draw, I was a little shaky. We picked up my stepdad and went to the standard Tuesday’s lunch spot, the Flying Fish. I love the fish tacos! Tomorrow is Blue Mesa.

Yesterday I finished the magic card paintings for Roger. I sent him the images. He seemed very happy about them. Phil commented that men seem to like everything I do where women can be a little or rather a lot picky. This year I’ve been wanting to get portraits down. I’ve done 3. 2 guys and a woman. Both guys loved their portrait, but the woman first said she loved it then wanted her eyes blue instead of brown and she thought the color under her eyes were too dark, etc. really? I just followed the photo she wanted me to paint. I did it pro bono - sure I wanted them to like it, but I did it (with their permission) for practice. One guy even used the painting for his FB profile. I told the woman it would be a while before I could get back to it and she told me if I wanted to I could paint the one I originally suggested. My heart is just not into it.

Last updated February 11, 2020

noko February 12, 2020

Glad you were able to get the care you needed for your knee. That is a lot of blood. Wow. And always good to finish with an enjoyable lunch. Where portraits are concerned I can see women being more picky than most men because we spend so much time examining ourselves and comparing ourselves as we grow up. I wonder with facial recognition software becoming more prevalent if people are going to want more painted portraits for profiles in the future? You might be onto something there and the well received magic card pictures has got to fluff up your feathers a bit. :)

Etaine noko ⋅ February 12, 2020

Noko, you are so right! Yes, my knee is much improved thank you. The magic cards response did make me feel on top of the world.

NorthernSeeker February 12, 2020

Commissions...I don't have the discipline for them. I'm too much into doing what I want to do.

Etaine NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 12, 2020

You know that is right. I want to paint what I want to paint! So true,!

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