2/18/14 in Why Not

  • Feb. 18, 2014, 5:43 p.m.
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Made it through today, but damn it was long. Made an 88 on the Geri test. 84 on the Family test. Got a 76 on MedSurg.

Tonight have to finish the simulation experience for tomorrow's lab. 100 NCLEX on respiratory. 50 NCLEX on shock. 150 NCLEX for mother baby. Clinicals fri and sat. And that should have me caught up for this week.

Next MedSurg exam is Tues. And have to have care plan and powerpoint done by next Wed.

Ugh. Long ass to-do list that never seems to get better.

Baby Doll has a program at school tonight. Oh goody. I think these are dumb. The kids sing for 15 minutes at the end of the night. The first 30 minutes are all about come join PTA. I can't stand most of those PTA women. Its like a fucking clique for bored women who happen to have kids at the school.

Goodbye Bleeder February 20, 2014

Ugh, I cannot wait to get back into that school grind. All the care plans, tests, all the good stuff!! Isn't it always amazing how everything is always due at once or the same week?

memelou Goodbye Bleeder ⋅ February 20, 2014

Yes, everything is always due within like two days of each other.

You are such a crackhead though, I am not enthused about this care plan. What I wrote down from the patient's chart is already like 12 pages. That doesn't even include my bullshit nursing diagnoses that are coming too.

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